Post-election Message Read to Students

As you may be aware, some schools are experiencing signs of stress in their students related to the election. At this point, we have not seen specific student concerns related to the election. Our staff is remaining vigilant in monitoring interactions among students and our student services team is available to assist with any needs. To assist students with any concerning words or images they may be encountering, the following message was read to our students and in each HCPSS elementary school following the election.

“Tuesday’s presidential election has caused strong feelings for many people. Some are happy, some are worried and others are scared. Emotions are never wrong and no matter how you feel or how the adults who love you feel, I want you to know that our school is a safe place for you. We care about you and one of our main jobs is to keep you safe. This is a school where no one should be teased or bullied because of who they wanted to be president. If you see this happening, please tell an adult so we can help.

Our social studies curriculum teaches about the democratic process and what it means to be a United States citizen. One of our most important rights and responsibilities is the right to vote and millions of Americans voted on Tuesday in a peaceful and respectful way. As we move forward, I know that our country will continue to be one where there is “liberty and justice for all”.