The first PTA meeting general meeting will be held on Thursday, September 3rd at 6:30 in the parking lot of SJLES and will last approximately 30 minutes. Please RSVP to as soon as you can so that we can ensure we have enough attendees to vote on the board nominations and approve the 2020-2021 PTA budget. We must have a quorum to vote - please attend!
We are also seeking to assign Committee chair roles (however these are not elected positions). The positions are open to ALL members of the SJLES community. No special experience required - just a willingness to pitch in. If you are interested in offering your time to the PTA please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Carolyn Adams (Volunteer Coordinator)
PTA Board Positions
PRESIDENT - Proposed candidate: Diana Choi
FIRST VICE PRESIDENT (PROGRAMS) - Proposed candidate: Shilpa Vadarev
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT (FUNDRAISING) - Proposed candidate: Tara Scully
TREASURER - Proposed candidate: Kathy Etheridge
RECORDING SECRETARY - Proposed candidate: Kate Kreyling
CORRESPONDING SECRETARY - Proposed candidate: Carolyn Adams
COUNCIL DELEGATE - Proposed candidate: Ward Morrow
COUNCIL DELEGATE - Proposed candidate: John Nichols
Open Committee Chair Positions (in order of priority / urgency) - see LINK for more details
Staff Appreciation Coordinator
Book Fair Coordination (To be held virtually in October)
Silent Auction Coordinator
Turkey Trot Coordinator (Tentative - November - We are hoping to find a way to run this program subject to COVID-19 restrictions)
Bingo Night Coordinator (Tentative - December - We are hoping to find a way to run this program subject to COVID-19 restrictions)
Field Day Lunch for volunteers (Tentative - Spring 2021)
Field Day T-shirts Coordinator (Tentative - Spring 2021)
Friday Folders Coordinator (Tentative - Spring 2021)
Ice Cream Social (Tentative - Spring 2021)
Interior Campus Enhancements (Tentative - Spring 2021)
Jaguar Jamboree (Tentative - Spring 2021)
May Day (Tentative - Spring 2021)
Science Fair (Tentative - Spring 2021)