SJLES Updates 9/25/2020

Greetings SJLES Families, 

Our staff, Mrs. Redd, and I are very grateful to each of our families who attended our Virtual Back to School Nights this week. It was wonderful seeing such great turnouts at each event and we hope you found the evenings to be time well spent. If you missed our Back to School Night presentations or would like to review the information presented please visit your child’s Canvas grade level team page. 

I want to personally thank our families for all of the kind and encouraging words, thank yous, and recognition of our staff as we start this school year. I know it means a lot to them. They are working as hard as they can on behalf of our kids, families, and each other. They are doing an outstanding job adapting their pedagogy to this virtual platform. I am extremely proud of the relationships they are building with our students and the sense of community that has already been established in each class.  

As I have previously mentioned, time and experience are critical components of our work during this unprecedented school year. With time and experience, we more clearly see the strengths and limitations of the digital platforms and tools we are using. We have received feedback from many families regarding the want for less clicks and more streamlined announcements. This has been especially true for our primary students and parents of multiple students. Our leadership team continues to brainstorm how we can make virtual learning as easy as possible at home within the provided framework. We process and discuss possible changes and the nuanced pros, cons, and ramifications of each possible change. We have already made several changes based upon feedback and will continue to do so. Our teachers have collaborated to provide tools to help families better understand the Related Arts schedule, Wednesday Asynchronous tasks, leverage Canvas ELA homepages and calendars to provide more clear direction for the week, and streamline Canvas Announcements. You will find additional details regarding some of these more recent changes later in this newsletter and teams will directly communicate other improvements with their families. We also continue to add resources to our SJLES website to support you. Please know, however, there are some things we just do not have the capacity to change. We know that as our students, families, and staff become more familiar with the tools through time and experience, and by making improvements where we can, we will continue to see the natural and gradual release of responsibility to our students, especially our primary grade learners. We will continue to witness their growth and increased independence. We will see even greater success from our respectful, responsible, and ready to learn Jaguars! 

We know virtual learning adds an additional responsibility, and at times stress, to each of our families. We truly appreciate all that our families are doing at home. We appreciate your partnership more than ever. We are here to support you and our students. Please continue to provide me feedback at I read, consider, and respond to each piece of feedback and our school leaders, Mrs. Redd, and I continuously brainstorm ways we can problem solve any and all presented challenges and barriers. It may not be perfect or as efficient as we all want, but we will do all we can to make improvements where we can. 

Mrs. Redd and I will be connecting with all of our students over the next few weeks to discuss student expectations and responsibilities, share celebrations, and provide any words of wisdom we can to our young people to ensure a successful 2020-2021 school year for each and every SJLES Jaguar.  We will also be hosting our first Virtual Coffee and Conversation with Administration on Wednesday, 9/30 @ 4:00. Please review the details below and hope to see you there!  School is closed on Monday due to the observance of Yom Kippur. We hope you all have a great weekend and thanks again for your on-going collaboration and support! #JaguarPride


Dan Notari

SJLES Principal 


Coffee & Conversation with SJLES Administration 

Mr. Notari & Mrs. Redd will be hosting our first Virtual Coffee & Conversation with Administration on Wednesday, 9/30 @ 4:00. During this time our families can ask questions and gain insights from Mr. Notari and Mrs. Redd regarding all aspects of our school. Please click on the link below to RSVP and provide insights to topics you would like to discuss. You do not have to RSVP to attend, but we appreciate you doing so to help us in our preparation for our time together. The meeting code is SJLESCoffeeWith. We look forward to seeing you there! 

MAP Updates

On Wednesday October 7 and 14, students in grades 2-8 will take the Measured Academic Progress (MAP) assessment. The data from the MAP assessment will help schools and teachers measure where your child is starting the year academically. The HCPSS intends to also give the assessment in winter and spring to measure how your child’s learning is progressing throughout the year. The MAP test does not affect grades and the difficulty adjusts depending on how your child responds. It is normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly.  To learn more about the MAP assessment, please visit: 

The Reading test will be offered on October 7 at 9am and 1pm.  The Math test will be offered on October 14 at 9am and 1pm.  Students may choose to attend either the morning or afternoon session. If your child is unable to attend, makeup testing will be offered during asynchronous learning times. Teachers will share Google Meet information and your student’s testing group as we get closer to the Oct 7th date.

Face-to-Face Supports to Small Groups of Students

In the coming weeks, HCPSS will begin providing face-to-face support to small groups of students. Identified students and staff have been invited to complete an interest survey.  If you did not receive a survey, it is because your child has not yet been identified for in-person support.  

All students who receive special education services will receive an email with directions to complete a survey.  If your child receives special education services, and you have not received an email by Friday, September 25, then please reach out to Ann Scholz ( from the Office of Special Education Compliance, Non-Public Services, and Family Support.  More information about the HCPSS In-Person Support initiative can be found here: .

Canvas Announcements 

In an effort to reduce the number of Canvas announcements families are receiving to start the week, Related Arts teachers will not be sending out a weekly announcement. Instead, Related Arts schedules will be posted on ELA Canvas pages.

Did you know that you can change your notification settings in Canvas to make sure you still receive all the information you need while minimizing the number of Canvas messages in your inbox? Click here to learn more!  If you need to find a past announcement, they are all archived in the course’s Canvas page. Click on “Announcements” from the list on the left side of the course homepage.

Asynchronous Assignments Overview 

As we navigate asynchronous work, we hope you will find a chart that provides an overview of the number of necessary assignments to complete each week helpful.  

Things begin to change depending on whether we are teaching Science, Social Studies, and/or Health.  We realize that there may be some slight adjustments, but here is an overview we hope proves to be helpful. Just a reminder, that you will see the list of asynchronous lessons your child(ren) should be completing each week at the top of their ELA home page. 

Asynchronous (anytime) Assignments: 

  • Math: 1 Assignment per week posted on Monday due on Sunday

  • Math Dreambox: 1 Lesson per school day

  • ELA Writing: no asynchronous assignments (this is a new change)

  • ELA LexiaCore: 70-100 minutes per week Monday to Sunday

  • Science: 2 lessons per week when Science is being taught: 

    • K,2,4:  posted on Monday and Thursday afternoon due by the next science class

    • 1, 3, 5:  posted on Tuesday and Friday afternoon due by the next science class

  • Social Studies: 2 lessons per week when Social Studies is being taught: 

    • K,2,4:  posted on Monday and Thursday afternoon due by the next SS class

    • 1, 3, 5:  posted on Tuesday and Friday afternoon due by the next SS class

  • Health:  1 lesson/assignment per week starting on 10/5 posted on Monday due Sunday

  • Related Arts: 2 or 3 lesson/assignments if not seeing them face to face  

Where to find Asynchronous Assignments: 

  • All Assignments can be found on your child’s Canvas Pages

    • Science on the science page, Health on the Health page, etc…

  • Assignments can be accessed by:  

    • Clicking on the Lessons and Tasks  Link after scrolling down the main page

    • Clicking on the Assignments Link on the left hand side of their canvas page

    • Viewing the Asynchronous Event on the Calendar 

Gifted & Talented Program Updates 

  • GT Back To School Night Follow-Up: Thank you to all who were able to attend the GT Back to School Night session! All families can access the GT Presentation below.

  • GT Instructional Seminars: We are excited to offer Instructional Seminars once again to students at St. John's Lane! Instructional Seminars are interest-based and open to all students. This year we will be offering seminars in grades 2-5. Seminars meet once a week synchronously and may have follow-up activities for students to complete asynchronously. Within these seminars, GT teachers provide advanced-level instruction in different content areas and engage children outside of the regular classroom. Please access the video below for more information on this year's GT Seminars. If your child is interested, please complete and submit the Seminar Interest Form by Friday, October 2nd, indicating your child's name, grade, and homeroom teacher. Students must be logged into their HCPSS Google account to access the interest form. Students enrolled in seminars will be contacted via Canvas Inbox with more information.

  • Kindergarten & 1st Grade Primary Talent Development (PTD): During Quarter 1, the GT program is offering optional asynchronous Primary Talent Development enrichment lessons in Kindergarten and 1st Grade. Beginning in Quarter 2, K and 1st students will engage in Primary Talent Development lessons facilitated by Ms. McErlean and homeroom teachers. Access the video below for more information, including where to locate the asynchronous enrichment lessons in Canvas.

  • We look forward to learning with you this year! Please reach out to us via email with questions regarding the GT program. 

  • SJLES GT Team

    • Mrs. Cintron (

    • Mrs. Miles (

    • Ms. McErlean (

Vision & Hearing Screenings 

Vision & Hearing Screenings will take place at SJLES on March 4, 2021. Please read the flyer below and ensure your student brings his/her glasses on this day. 


Box Tops Are Back! 

Please review the flyer below regarding how BoxTops can help our earn our school money 

PTA Membership & Spirit Wear

Support the SJLES PTA by becoming a PTA member today! This year, you can purchase PTA membership, make donations and buy your Spirit Wear online.

Your donation helps us reduce fundraisers and increases the quality of our events throughout the year. As always, your donation directly benefits our teachers, staff and students. Our approved 2020-2021 budget outlines the ways your donation will support our school. 

St John’s Lane Elementary School PTA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN 52-1333666). All donations are 100% tax-deductible. Your store receipt will be your donation receipt. 

Buy SJLES Spirit Wear! Get your paws on the 2020-2021 SJLES Spirit Wear. All Spirit Wear is in SJLES colors (blue with yellow print). You can order now through October 15th. All orders will be delivered to your door (contact free, of course!). 

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: GO JAGUARS!


All dates will be posted on our SJLES Public Calendar.

  • 9/25 - Spirit Day - #JaguarPride: Celebrate our SJLES Pride and wear your Spirit Wear or school colors

  • 9/28 - Schools and offices closed - Yom Kippur

  • 9/30 @ 4:00 - Virtual Coffee & Conversation With Administration 

  • 10/2 - Super Hero Day:  Dress up as your favorite superhero to celebrate our super first month of school at SJLES!

  • 10/7 - MAP Reading: Seatings @ 9:00 and 1:00 

  • 10/9 - Sports Day: Grab your jersey, t-shirt, medal, or trophy to show us your favorite sport!

  • 10/14 - MAP Math: Seatings @ 9:00 & 1:00

  • 10/16 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early

  • 10/16 - #JaguarPride: Celebrate our SJLES Pride and wear your Spirit Wear or school colors  


LAST LAST FINAL CALL: Remaining Student Materials 

We are currently reaching out to families who did not pick up a Chromebook and instructional materials. If you are still in need of collecting your student’s personal items from last year please email to schedule a mutually convenient time to pick up the materials. In the email please include your student's first and last name and last year's homeroom teacher.

New Student Lunch Bunches 

Mrs. Poirier, our SJLES School Counselor, will begin inviting NEW students to lunch bunches in the coming weeks. Students will receive a Canvas Inbox message from Mrs. Poirier in advance with the invitation to join on a specific date and time, along with the meeting code. Parents will be copied on these messages to help you plan your student's day and add the login time to their schedules. These Lunch Bunches are completely optional and simply help our new students make more connections at SJLES. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Poirier at

HCPSS Google Meet Engagement & Behavioral Expectations 

  • Adhere to HCPSS Policy 8080 Responsible Use Technology and Social Media and other relevant HCPSS policies.

  • Follow the school’s values (ex. Be Safe, Act Responsibly, Respect Self and Others, Keep Focused)

  • Students will only be permitted into a Google Meet session with a HCPSS email account.  All students can be identified through their HCPSS email account.

  • Inappropriate/offensive/threatening comments, misrepresentation of identity, and/or disruptive participants (invited or uninvited) during Google Meet sessions will not be tolerated.

  • Sharing login information violates the confidentiality rights of other students and places them at risk of having to witness disruptive behaviors from students who are not members of the class or school community. 

  • Students who are disruptive and/or “trespass” Google Meet sessions will be immediately reported to administration and will receive appropriate consequences in accordance with the HCPSS Code of Conduct.  Consequences may result in temporary or permanent loss of technology access, which will also result in a student's inability to participate in Google Meet sessions; arrangement for receiving instruction and assignments will be established by administration communicated and arranged with parents.

Additional information can be found in the  Safety Measures During the Google Meet Session on 20-21 HCPSS Virtual Teaching and Learning Page

School Meals

The food services program during the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year will consist of Grab-and-Go breakfasts and lunches served Monday through Friday from 8–9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Breakfast and lunch can be picked up at either meal time. Meals will be provided free of charge for all students, subject to USDA funding availability. SJLES is a food site and students may access Grab-and-Go meals at our front door each school day. Additional information regarding food services can be found on the HCPSS website.

Band & Orchestra Updates

Band and Orchestra registration has opened for the 2020-2021 school year! Please visit to register your student. On this website, you can access instrument demonstration videos for all band and orchestra instruments, as well as learn more information about the band and orchestra programs. Please contact Ms. Kalivretenos at if you have any questions.

Free Vaccine Clinics

Free vaccine clinics to be held at several HCPSS school locations during the week of September 21 from 4–6pm.

  •      September 21, 4–6pm Howard HS Hollifield Station ES 

  •      September 22, 4–6pm Oakland Mills MS Longfellow ES 

  •      September 23, 4–6pm Cradlerock ES Bushy Park ES 

  •      September 24, 4–6pm Deep Run ES Ducketts Lane ES

  •      September 25, 4–6pm Howard HS Laurel Woods ES

Parents/guardians may make appointments at any of these locations; whichever is most convenient for them. Multiple vaccines, many of which are required for school entry, will be offered. These vaccines will be provided at no cost. Upon registration, parents will be able to choose which vaccines their child needs.

Clinics will be held outdoors, and will utilize a virtual queue program so families can wait in their cars or away from the clinic. Families are encouraged to wear a face mask or other face covering. Families can check to see which vaccines your child has already had, or contact your school nurse at to determine what is needed. Pre-registration online (due to Covid-19, we will be paperless at these clinics) is required; go to Registration is open from August 25-September 9.

Free Flu Clinics

HCPSS, the Howard County Health Department and the Maryland Partnership for Prevention again this year will offer flu clinics at no cost for both students and staff. Students/staff do not have to go to a clinic at their home school and may attend any clinic. For additional information please click the link below…