In-Person Commitment Update

Greetings SJLES Families,

HCPSS will begin a phased-in transition to a hybrid instructional model beginning March 1st. By Friday, February 5th, families must make a decision to send their child to school for 1-2 days per week and receive virtual instruction the remainder of the week, or to have their child remain fully virtual for the remainder of the school year. Certain student groups including, but not limited to, students receiving Special Education services and students requiring additional support will have the opportunity to receive in-school learning for the full school week. 

To prepare for this transition, HCPSS requests that families complete a two-question survey by Friday, February 5th at 4:00 pm to share your decision. We recognize that this may be an easy decision for some of our families and a more difficult decision for others. The return to in-person learning prompts many questions. At this moment, we are not able to answer all of your questions. However, we wanted to provide you with the resources to answer as many of your questions as possible at this time. Listed below are the HCPSS resources available that can provide your family additional context to make the decision that is in the best interest of your family...

Please complete the In-Person Learning Commitment no later than 4:00 pm on Friday, February 5th. To complete the form...

  • Log in to HCPSS Connect

  • Select More Options from the left panel

  • Select “In-Person Commitment” from the middle of the page

  • Complete the questions in the form for each child and select “Save”

We are here to help! Please email me at if I can be of service to your family at this time. Please know that our HCPSS colleagues and our SJLES staff will do everything we can to meaningfully and safely engage and grow our Jaguars here in our building or virtually! Thank you for your continued partnership and have a great weekend!


Dan Notari

SJLES Principal