Greetings SJLES Families,
I hope you all enjoyed the long Memorial Day Weekend and the nice weather yesterday. As we turn another page on the calendar today to June, it provides an overt reminder that our time together this school year is coming to a close. We look forward to finishing this school year strong, celebrating our students, and making some final fond memories to lead us into summer.
We hope to see you tomorrow, Wednesday, 6/2 at 1:30 PM for our final Coffee and Conversation of the school year. This version of Coffee and Conversation will include not only our administrative team but our entire school leadership team. During this time our families can ask questions and gain insights from our SJLES leaders regarding all aspects of our school programming now and going forward. Click here to RSVP and provide us with insights to topics you would like to discuss. You do not have to RSVP to attend, but we appreciate you doing so to help us best prepare for our time together. The Google Meet code is SJLESCoffeeWith. We hope to see you tomorrow and have a great rest of your week!
Dan Notari
SJLES Principal
Student Chromebooks
Students who will remain in HCPSS schools for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year may continue to borrow HCPSS technology devices over the summer. Families are encouraged to review the HCPSS Chromebook Care guidelines with their students to ensure that devices are taken care of. Only students leaving the school system , including those unenrolling or graduating, must return their assigned HCPSS technology devices. See more HERE.
Student Work Due 6/9 @ Noon
All student work for the fourth quarter is due no later than Wednesday, 6/9 at Noon to allow teachers to grade all submissions and reflect those grades on report cards. Report cards will be finalized in HCPSS Connect on Wednesday, June 16. If your family has extenuating circumstances, please reach out to your child’s teacher(s) directly.
Request for Slideshow Pictures
Our PTA is putting together an end of year slideshow that we will be sharing with the kids on the final days of school. If you have any photos of your child in school, whether virtually or in person, that you would like to have included in the slideshow, please forward them to Sabrina Knickelbein at by Friday 6/4. In your email please be sure to share what grade your child is in and what activity your child was doing in the picture. Please note that these pictures will be shared with the students on the final days of school.
Access our SJLES Public Calendar at
6/2 @ 8:00 PM - PTA Planning Session
6/4 - Red, White & Blue Day. Wear your patriotic clothing!!
6/4 - 5th Grade Simulated Congressional Hearings
6/4 - SJLES Parent Input Form Due (Window Extended)
6/9 - Grade 5 Send Off Celebration
Virtual Closing Ceremony @ 9:15-10:00
Drive-Through Farewell Celebration
Alexander @ 1:00
Hunter @ 1:30
Losiewski @ 2:00
Rippeon @ 2:30
6/10, 6/11, 6/14, & 6/15 - 3 Hour Early Dismissal (12:35 PM)
6/11 - Summer Lovin' Day! Let's say ALOHA to summer in style! Grab your sunglasses, Hawaiin shirt, lei or shirt from your favorite vacation & let's say HELLO to summer in style!
6/15 - Last Day of School
6/16 - Synergy enabled to view student grades
SJLES Family Feedback Form
As we approach the final days of the most unique school year in the 66 year history of SJLES we want to hear from our community regarding how well we have served your family. Please complete our SJLES Family Feedback Form to provide ANONYMOUS feedback that will allow us to make more informed decisions throughout our planning and preparation for 2021-2022. We thank you in advance for your time and insights!
Current Number of Responses: 52
Parent Input Form For Students Attending SJLES Next Year (Date Extended)
As part of our planning and preparation for 2021-2022, we would like to provide the opportunity to share insights you would like us to consider as we begin the articulation process. This input form is for you, as parents, to relate specific information about your child that you feel would be beneficial as our staff collaborates to create next year's classes. Our goal of this process is to build heterogeneous classes which foster the academic success and social-emotional well-being of each student in an inclusive and nurturing environment that closes opportunity gaps. Please consider completing our SJLES Parent Input Form 2021-2022 by June 4th in order to provide us with valuable insights regarding your Jaguar(s).
Current Number of Responses: 108
2021-2022 Part-time & Full-time SJLES Positions
SJLES has part-time and full-time positions available for this upcoming school year. There are lunch and recess monitor positions available and positions to help support our students receiving special education services. Please contact Mrs. Redd at to learn more about these positions.
2021-2022 Kindergarten & New Student Registration
Registration for the 2021-2022 school year is ongoing for new K through 5th grade students. To register a new student, log into the HCPSS Connect parent portal, and choose Online Registration in the upper right hand corner. Be certain to choose the 2021-2022 packet to register for next year. If you need assistance please contact our registrars, Mrs. Wolfrey at and Michele Smithat
Notification of Enrollment Changes for 2021-2022
If you have moved or are moving soon, please notify us as soon as possible. We are available to assist you with transitioning to your child's new school. Whether it be another HCPSS school, a private school, or a school out of the HCPSS district, we are here to help. If you are transferring to another HCPSS school, our registrars will partner to make the transition as smooth as possible. If you need assistance please contact our registrars, Mrs. Wolfrey at and Michele Smith at
PTA Zoom This Wednesday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 860 0216 9552
Passcode: 160560
Spring Is Here!
Our Jaguars are really enjoying outdoor recess, both in-person and at home, now that temperatures are warming up! Please help ensure your child has a water bottle and wears layers when attending school in-person so that they can remain hydrated and comfortable throughout the school day.
6/10-6/15 SJLES Schedules
Three hour early dismissals (12:35) on final four days of school year are posted on our SJLES Homepage
Daily schedules will be shortened each day for the early dismissal
Students will have a regular lunch shift each day
Students will have a 30 min related arts class each day
Schedules are posted on our SJLES Homepage for future reference
SJLES Technology Help
If you experience any technology issues, remember to fill out our SJLES Technology Form and a member of our team will help you. Additional details can be found on