SJLES Updates 6/8/21


Greetings SJLES Families, 

Listed below are some final reminders as we wrap up this 2020-2021 school year.  We are incredibly proud of our Jaguars for their hard work, growth, and perseverance throughout this school year. We are especially proud of our fifth graders whom we get to celebrate tomorrow! 

Please note that we have an 11:35 dismissal tomorrow for our students in Group E and then 12:35 dismissals for all students on 6/10, 6/11, 6/14, and 6/15. Additional details are below. Here’s to a great final 5 school days together! 


Dan Notari

SJLES Principal


6/10-6-15 SJLES Schedules

  • Three hour early dismissals (12:35) on final four days of school year are posted on our SJLES Homepage 

  • Daily schedules will be shortened each day for the early dismissal

  • Students will have a regular lunch shift each day

  • Students will have a 30 min related arts class each day

  • Schedules are posted on our SJLES Homepage for future reference

Student Work Due 6/9 @ Noon

All student work for the fourth quarter is due no later than Wednesday, 6/9 at Noon to allow teachers to grade all submissions and reflect those grades on report cards.  Report cards will be finalized in HCPSS Connect on Wednesday, June 16.  If your family has extenuating circumstances, please reach out to your child’s teacher(s) directly. 

ChromeBook Returns

Only students leaving the school system after the current 2020-2021 school year, including those un-enrolling or graduating, must return their assigned HCPSS technology devices, including laptops, Chromebooks, etc. Hot spots need to be returned only if the family does not have other children who will be enrolled for the 2021-2022 school year. 

Students who will remain in HCPSS schools for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year may continue to borrow HCPSS technology devices over the summer. Families are encouraged to review HCPSS Chromebook Care guidelines with their students to ensure that devices are taken care of.

Clothing Giveaway

Howard County Public Schools has partnered with Neediest Kids and COAD to provide an opportunity for families in need to receive some new, free clothing. Please see this flyer for additional details. 

Summer Reading Opportunities 

  • Howard County Summer Reading​-  Beginning June 1, Students will track their reading, play fun educational mini-games, and find missions full of activities and earn points and unlock badges! Students can earn up to 10 points by either logging their books online or in a paper reading log. If students earn 10 points, they will receive a free book! Visit the Howard County Summer Reading​ program online to register.

  • Start With a - Start with a Book offers lots of engaging ideas for getting our children hooked on reading, exploring, and learning all summer long. To access specific reading material suggestions, be sure to visit the reading section of this site.

2021-2022 Part-time & Full-time SJLES Positions 

SJLES has part-time and full-time positions available for this upcoming school year.  There are lunch and recess monitor positions available and positions to help support our students receiving special education services.  Please contact Mrs. Redd at to learn more about these positions. 

Notification of Enrollment Changes for 2021-2022

If you have moved or are moving soon, please notify us as soon as possible. We are available to assist you with transitioning to your child's new school. Whether it be another HCPSS school, a private school, or a school out of the HCPSS district, we are here to help. If you are transferring to another HCPSS school, our registrars will partner to make the transition as smooth as possible. If you need assistance please contact our registrars, Mrs. Wolfrey at and Mrs. Smith at

2021-2022 Kindergarten & New Student Registration

Registration for the 2021-2022 school year is ongoing for new K through 5th grade students. To register a new student, log into the HCPSS Connect parent portal, and choose Online Registration in the upper right hand corner. Be certain to choose the 2021-2022 packet to register for next year.  If you need assistance please contact our registrars, Mrs. Wolfrey at andMichele Smithat


Access our SJLES Public Calendar at  

  • 6/9 - Grade 5 Send Off Celebration

    • Virtual Closing Ceremony @ 9:15-10:00

    • Drive-Through Farewell Celebration  

      • Alexander @ 1:00

      • Hunter @ 1:30

      • Losiewski @ 2:00

      • Rippeon @ 2:30

  • 6/10, 6/11, 6/14, & 6/15 - 3 Hour Early Dismissal (12:35 PM)

  • 6/11 - Summer Lovin' Day! Let's say ALOHA to summer in style! Grab your sunglasses, Hawaiin shirt, lei or shirt from your favorite vacation & let's say HELLO to summer in style!

  • 6/15 - Last Day of School

  • 6/16 - Synergy enabled to view student grades