SJLES Updates 7/7/21

Greetings SJLES Families, 

We kickoff our summer engagement today with our first virtual lunch bunches at 11:00 and 12:00, our first editions of our Jaguar Summer Stories, and a PTA Planning Session this evening. Please checkout the information below and email me with any questions. Ms. Coleman and I are looking forward to seeing our Jaguars today! 


Dan Notari

SJLES Principal



Summer Lunch Bunches Start TODAY! 

Mr. Notari and Ms. Coleman are excited to offer our first Virtual Lunch Bunches of 2021 TODAY!  Please review the information belowWe will continue to offer these opportunities to engage students with their administrators, friends, and special surprise guests throughout the school year. We look forward to seeing many of our Jaguars at our lunch bunches throughout the summer!

  • Please note...

    • Returning students should login using their HCPSS credentials. 

    • Kindergarten families with older siblings may log in with a current HCPSS student login. 

    • Kindergarten & new families with an email on file through the registration process will be admitted into our virtual lunch bunches. 

Jaguar Summer Story #1 -  Ms. Coleman 

Our world famous SJLES staff will be sharing pre-recorded weekly read alouds with our Jaguars on Wednesdays throughout summer break. Starting TODAY, we will share links every Wednesday to our latest Jaguar Summer Stories (JSS) and post them on our website so you can access them whenever you can and wherever you are. Our new Assistant Principal gets things going with our first Jaguar Summer Story…

Jaguar Summer Stories: Kindergarten Edition #1 - Mr. Notari

Our new kindergarteners will have their very own special story where they will get to know their SJLES teachers, administrators, and support staff while engaging with our Kindergarten Edition of Jaguar Summer Stories (JSS). Keep an eye out for these read-alouds from our outstanding staff each Wednesday leading up to our students returning on 8/30.  Today, we kick things off with our Principal Mr. Notari reading our first Kindergarten Edition of Jaguar Summer Stories…

Zoom PTA Summer Planning Session TONIGHT!


  • 7/7 - New Jaguar Summer Stories posted on SJLES Website & SJLES Update every Wednesday!

  • 7/7 @ 11:00-11:30 - PRIMARY (Rising K-2) Virtual Lunch Bunch / Ms. Coleman Meet & Greet

  • 7/7 @ 12:00-12:30 - INTERMEDIATE (Rising 3-5) Virtual Lunch Bunch / Ms. Coleman Meet & Greet

  • 7/7 @ 8:00 - PTA Summer Planning Session 

  • 7/21 @ 11:00-11:30 PRIMARY (Rising K-2) Virtual Lunch Bunch  

  • 7/21 @ 12:00-12:30 INTERMEDIATE (Rising 3-5) Virtual Lunch Bunch 

  • 7/22 @ 10:30-11:30 - Kindergarten Popsicles on the Playground #2

  • 7/27 @ 3:30-4:30 - Kindergarten Coffee and Conversation Welcome

  • 8/4 @ 11:00-11:30 PRIMARY (Rising K-2) Virtual Lunch Bunch  

  • 8/4 @ 12:00-12:30 INTERMEDIATE (Rising 3-5) Virtual Lunch Bunch & SJLES Update

  • 8/4 @ 6:00-7:00 - Kindergarten Popsicles on the Playground #2

  • 8/4 @ @ 8:00 - PTA Summer Planning Session

  • 8/18 @ 11:00-11:30 PRIMARY (Rising K-2) Virtual Lunch Bunch  

  • 8/18 @ 12:00-12:30 INTERMEDIATE (Rising 3-5) Virtual Lunch Bunch

  • 8/18 @ 6:00-7:00 - K-5 School-wide Jaguar Playdate

  • 8/19 - School Staff Returns 

  • 8/27 @ 10:00-11:30 - Kindergarten Orientation, Open House, & Tour 

  • 8/27 @ 1:00-1:45 - New 1st - 5th Grade Student Orientation 

  • 8/27 @ 2:00-3:00 - 1st - 5th Grade Open House 

  • 8/30 - First Day of School for Students 

  • 9/10 @ 6:00-8:00 - PTA Back to School Picnic

  • 9/13 @ 6:00-7:30  - Primary Back to School Night 

  • 9/14 @ 5:30-6:00 - GT Back To School Night   

  • 9/14 @ 6:00-7:30 - Intermediate Back To School Night 


Kindergarten Popsicles on the Playground

Our kindergarten team & PTA will host two kindergarten meet and greets this summer where our students can play on our playground, enjoy a treat, begin new friendships, and meet some members of our world famous staff. We couldn’t be more excited to meet you all and welcome our newest Jaguars and families to SJLES. Be on the lookout for details regarding our school-wide Jaguar Playdate which will be held on August 18th! 

Please feel free to forward this information and spread the word to your friends and neighbors that have a child registered for kindergarten at SJLES. If you or someone you know have not registered for 2021-2022 yet, PLEASE do not wait any longer! Click here to begin the registration process and review the additional registration details below. 

Kindergarten Virtual Coffee & Conversation Welcome

Our administrative team, kindergarten team, and PTA will come together for an optional and informal virtual welcome session with our new kindergarten families on Tuesday, 7/27 at 3:30 PM via Google Meet. The goal of this Coffee and Conversation is to simply introduce ourselves, get to know our families, and provide a general overview of kindergarten and our school. We will share more specific and detailed school-related information as the school year approaches via email; our website; and at our Kindergarten Orientation, Open House, & Tour which is scheduled for 8/27 at 10:00-11:30. 

If you are interested in attending our Virtual Coffee & Conversation please RSVP by completing the google form below. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Kindergarten Readiness Resources 

As our families prepare for kindergarten, we know you want resources to help with the transition for your Jaguar. HCPSS and the Howard County Library System have an abundance of resources available. Check them out...

Virtual School Tour 

We know many of our new students are excited to tour their school. While there will be opportunities for our newest Jaguars to visit and tour the school in August we wanted to share this video Mrs. Shoff and Mr. Kollosch created in March to welcome our students back to in-person learning. Hope it helps! 

Connect with our PTA