Greetings SJLES Families,
It is that time of year where there will be communications coming at all of us on a much more frequent basis as we prepare for the big day. Thanks for taking the time to read through the information shared from HCPSS and SJLES. We are here to help so please let us know if you have any questions. Hope everyone had a great weekend and let the countdown continue!
Dan Notari
SJLES Principal
SJLES Lunch Preference Survey
There are several HCPSS updates related to lunch protocols to further reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19. All schools will have outdoor eating spaces for lunch available on campus for student use as weather and staffing permits to lessen the number of students in the cafeteria. In an effort to maintain a healthy environment in cafeterias, the following actions are being implemented:
Additional tables have been ordered and will be distributed to schools to help ensure outside eating areas are furnished as well as to allow maximum spacing indoors.
Based on the availability of products from vendors, large tents that are compliant with local code will be provided to elementary schools to increase outdoor dining spaces. We anticipate a number of tents will be in place to begin the school year with additional tents being provided in September.
Plexiglass shields for indoor cafeteria tables are being secured for grades K-6 where students are largely unable to be vaccinated. These panels will provide additional protection between students who are unable to be vaccinated while eating when masks cannot be worn.
In an effort to plan accordingly, please complete our SJLES Lunch Preference Survey for each of your students to inform us if you would prefer your child to eat lunch outside when conditions and staffing permit. We are also looking for volunteers! The survey provides an opportunity to let us know if you are interested in supporting this effort for our students.
Family File & Teacher Assignments
ONLY 59% of our SJLES students have updated information to begin the school year so far. All families must update this information every year. It is very important that parents update their child’s information before the start of the school year on August 30th. On August 25th, families who completed their Family File updates will be able to view their child’s teachers in Synergy. This will be THE method to learn your child’s teachers for this school year. Please update your child’s Family File information today if you have not done so yet!
The class making process that has taken place over the past several months is very intentional and collaborative. Careful consideration was given to each student’s placement with input from multiple staff members, administration, and families. Our classes are structured in a manner to provide equitable class sizes at each grade level, to leverage all aspects of our instructional program offerings to our students, and to uplift our students’ academic and social strengths. Thank you for being positive with your child regarding his/her placement and shaping an understand that every SJLES teacher works extremely hard to ensure their classroom is a safe, welcoming, inclusive, and nurturing home away from home for every Jaguar. Our staff will facilitate several lessons and activities to welcome our students back to school, orient them to SJLES, and act intentionally to build and strengthen relationships across our students’ school day. Our student services team, support staff, and administration are here to support your child’s transition back to school and get 2021-2022 off to a great start!
REMINDER: K-5 Jaguar Playdate TONIGHT @ 6:00
We look forward to seeing many of our students at tonight’s K-5 Jaguar Playdate from 6:00-7:00 on the SJLES Playground!
Medication Drop Off
Our school nurses will be available in the health room to receive student medication and forms during each open house grade on Friday. Please contact with any questions.
Transportation Updates
Beginning tomorrow, bus information, including your child’s assigned bus number, contractor contact information, bus stop location, and morning pickup and afternoon drop off times will be updated on the HCPSS website at
At the beginning of the year, it is recommended that you arrive at the bus stop 10-15 minutes earlier than the posted time. As our drivers are acclimating to new routes and school-year traffic it is common for buses to run a bit ahead or behind schedule to begin the year.
HCPSS has previously detailed changes to student bus transportation due to a critical bus driver shortage. For instance, to accommodate the shortage in drivers, buses may run double routes for some schools, picking up and dropping off students in groups. Due to this, we anticipate that more families may opt to drive their student(s) to school. Please note that car rider families could experience additional traffic delays on St. John’s Lane and in our loop if this becomes the case. We encourage families to use our busing services. For families driving their students to school we ask that you exercise patience as our students safely arrive and depart from our campus and follow staff directions at all times while in our loop. We will monitor all aspects of transportation, improve our processes where we can, and we appreciate your patience and partnership. We anticipate sharing additional transportation information in a separate communication tomorrow.
Establishing Arrival Routines on the First Day of School
On the first day of school, we ask all families to “kiss and wave” good-bye to their children at home for bus riders, from the car for our car riders, or at our school doors for walkers so that your child can independently enter his/her classroom. We will not be able to have parents walk their children to class. We will have every staff member available to ensure all students safely get to their classrooms. Our Open House on Friday, August 27th is the perfect time for families to visit classrooms, drop off materials, and meet our teachers. Your help in ensuring consistent procedures and a smooth start to the first day of school is greatly appreciated!
We Need You!
SJLES is still in need of a Lunch/Recess monitor and a Close Adult Support position. Please email Erin Coleman ( if you are interested in joining our outstanding staff!
Water Bottles
Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle to use throughout the day, these can be refilled at any water fountain. Water fountains will be accessible by all students this year.
Breakfast and Lunch
All students will receive daily breakfast and lunch free of charge. Students can pack their own lunch daily and are not required to eat breakfast at school.
Mask Will Be Worn Indoors
All students, staff, and visitors to SJLES will be expected to wear masks inside the building with the exception of when they are eating or drinking. Students may decide to remove their masks when outside.
Access our SJLES Public Calendar at
8/23 @ 6:00-7:00 - K-5 School-wide Jaguar Playdate
8/26 @ 2:00-3:00 Virtual Coffee & Conversation
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 781-327-5830 PIN: 980 007 758#
8/27 @ 9:00-9:45 - New 1st-5th Grade Student Orientation
8/27 @ 10:00-11:30 - Kindergarten Orientation, Open House, & Tour
8/27 @ 11:00-11:45 - 1st Grade & 2nd Grade Open House
8/27 @ 2:00-2:45 - 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade Open House
8/30 - First Day of School for Students
9/1 @ 8:00 - Virtual PTA Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 9013 8573 / Passcode: 643443
9/10 @ 6:00-8:00 - PTA Back to School Picnic
9/13 @ 6:00-7:30 - Primary Back to School Night
9/14 @ 5:30-6:00 - GT Back To School Night
9/14 @ 6:00-7:30 - Intermediate Back To School Night
Open Houses & Orientations
Our orientations and open houses are scheduled for Friday, 8/27. We have revisited our previously shared plans in order to minimize traffic inside and outside our building and maximize our opportunity to engage with our students and families. We apologize for the change in time if you had already planned ahead, but believe this updated plan will better serve our students and community. Here is updated information regarding our orientation and open house events scheduled for Friday, 8/27.
New Student Orientation (1st-5th Graders): Friday, 8/27 @ 9:00-9:45
Our New Student Orientation will include an informative overview of SJLES, a chance to engage with our administrative and leadership teams, and provide a tour of the school building and grounds.
If your student was new to SJLES last year but did not attend in-person learning you are welcome to join us for this orientation and tour.
We will post the New Student Orientation on our SJLES website for families who are unable to attend.
Open Houses: Friday, 8/27 (times below)
Kindergarten Open House & Orientation @ 10:00-11:30
1st Grade & 2nd Grade Open House @ 11:00-11:45
Intermediate (3rd-5th) Grades Open House @ 2:00-2:45
If you have students in more than one grade and are unable to attend multiple sessions, please attend the assigned time for your youngest student. You can also drop off your older students’ school supplies to his/her classroom and say hello to the teacher. If you can not attend our Open House please don’t worry! You can send any school supplies with your student on the first days of school and our teachers and staff will ensure your child knows where to go and feels welcome and ready on the big day!
Coffee & Conversation
Understanding that our families have many questions, we will also host a Virtual Coffee & Conversation on Thursday, 8/26 from 2:00-3:00 PM. During this time our families can gain insights from our administrative team regarding all aspects of our 2021-2022 programming. Click here to RSVP and provide us with the insights to topics you would like to discuss. You do not have to RSVP to attend, but we appreciate you doing so to help us best prepare for our limited time together. The Google Meet information is below:
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 781-327-5830 PIN: 980 007 758#
More phone numbers:
A few reminders to get you and your student ready for 2021-2022…
SJLES’s student hours will be 8:45 AM - 3:15 PM. Doors open at 8:30
Click here for general Bus Service information.
Students who are car riders should be dropped off no earlier than 8:30am.
Our K-5 Supply Lists are posted on our website.
Please remember to update your child’s Family File information to find out your child’s teacher on 8/25.
Access our SJLES Public Calendar at
We encourage you to review the HCPSS Reopening Plan for detailed information regarding the start of the school year, the recent HCPSS health and safety communication, check the HCPSS 2021-2022 School Year site for additional updates and resources, and monitor your inbox for our SJLES Updates
Free and Reduced Meals
Participation in the Free and Reduced-Meal program qualifies students for many opportunities. Detailed information can be found at We are asking all families to complete their application online at