Greetings SJLES Families,
It has been a great full week of learning, engagement, and growth with our Jaguars this week. Please note that next week’s schedule has two dates our families should take note of as we all plan ahead. All HCPSS schools & offices are closed Monday, 1/17, in honor of Dr. King Day. Additionally, to provide staff with additional time to address their increased workload and to support employee well-being, the Board of Education approved several 3-hour early dismissal days throughout the remainder of the school year. This Wednesday, 1/19, is our next early dismissal day with dismissal beginning at 12:20 PM. Thanks for marking your calendars, hope you all have a great long weekend, and since both of our local football teams are not in the playoffs please feel free to cheer on my Philadelphia Eagles with me on Sunday! Stay safe and be well, SJLES!
Dan Notari
SJLES Principal
Safety First in the Car Loop
Thank you to all of our families who help make our car loop a safe and as efficient experience each day. Our wonderful car loop staff have noticed a few trends that we wanted to uplift to you all and ask for your cooperation to ensure safety for all students and staff. For additional information regarding our car loop procedures please click here.
Please do not park in the car or bus loop lot during arrival or dismissal (8:30-8:45, 3:15 - 3:35).
Parents should stay in their cars while in the car loop.
Students should enter and exit cars using the sidewalk. It is unsafe for students to walk in the parking lot during arrival and dismissal.
Please maintain a slow driving speed when in the car loop.
Keep pulling forward all the way.
If your child can independently unbuckle, please allow them to do so. Parents should remain in their cars unless their child cannot buckle or unbuckle independently.
Watch out for people using the crosswalk.
REMINDER: SJLES Request for Outdoor Lunch Request
SJLES parents and guardians, please complete this form to indicate your request to have your child eat lunch outdoors for the months of January, February, and March. This request will override all previous outdoor requests. Please only complete the survey if you wish for your child to eat outdoors January-March, regardless of your previous preference in the fall. Otherwise, your child will eat indoors. Additionally, please complete one form for each child that attends SJLES.
Please note that the decision to allow for outdoor lunch is at the discretion of each school administrator, while considering the following criteria:
- Temperature and humidity
- Wind chill
- Heat index and air quality
- Age of students
- Length of time outdoors
- Adequacy of the children’s clothing
- Condition of the grounds
- Falling precipitation
- Thunder and lightning
- Sufficient staffing and supervision
If your child plans to eat outside, please encourage them to dress appropriately for the temperatures, including wearing a coat, hat and/or gloves each day. Please ensure you include a drink for your child if they bring their lunch. Parents or guardians may change their preference of eating location at any time by emailing Ms. Coleman at
The start date for these new Winter Outdoor Requests will be Tuesday, January 18th. We will communicate with our community if we are unable to support outdoor dining due to weather or staffing. A new outdoor eating request form will be sent to all families for their preference throughout the months of April, May and June.
SJLES Lunch and Recess Sign up Open for January & February
SJLES is ready for volunteers again and as you know they are super appreciative of our help. If you want to sign up to volunteer for lunch or recess please click here. To help in your planning or just a fun fact, when the "feels like" temperature is below 20 degrees, SJLES will hold lunch and recess indoors. And just a reminder, there is no recess on half days! Please email if you have any questions!!
Volunteer reminders
Please read the volunteer requirements carefully as you need to complete the PinPoint vaccination verification 5 days prior to your volunteering shift. Complete this requirement by clicking here.
All volunteers must complete a Confidentiality Training Course about protecting the privacy of our students, staff, and schools, and the Child Abuse and Neglect Training about reporting any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to Howard County Department of Social Services.
Masking at School
Two KN-95 masks were given to each third through fifth grader at school today. Please check your child’s backpack for these masks. KN-95 masks for primary students will soon be delivered to SJLES and distributed to our K-2 students. While KN95 masks are recommended by the CDC and students may bring their own if they have them, they are not mandated. Students and staff will be permitted to use disposable or cloth masks. Disposable masks will continue to be available in schools for all students and staff. Masks will be given to students who arrive at school without a mask or if their mask is lost during the school day. Masks will also be given to students who have a mask that does not cover their nose and mouth.
FINAL DAY for our Coat Drive!
Do you have some coats your kids have outgrown? Donate any clean, gently used, or new coats (children's or adult sizes) to help our local community. There will be a bin outside the front office starting January 3 through January 14. Thank you for sharing the warmth! Click here for additional information.
Essay Contest to Celebrate Ellicott City’s 250th Anniversary
In honor of the 250th Anniversary of Ellicott City, students are invited to participate in an essay contest.
There will be three divisions:
High School- students in grades 9-12
Middle School- students in grades 6-8
Elementary School- in grades PreK-5
Contest Topic:
Over the past 250 years, Ellicott City has had a rich history. Write an essay on an aspect of life in historic Ellicott City. Some possible topics include, but are not limited to: the founding specific to the Ellicott’s involvement, interactions with Native Americans; B & O railroad; Thomas Isaac Log Cabin; the Civil War, the National Road, current and past restoration efforts; influence of past and current immigrants, advances in communication, transportation, or technology.
Contest Rules:
Entries MUST address a historical aspect of Ellicott City.
The essay must be written in English
The title of the essay and division level should be on the top of the first page
Length of submissions for each division are: Elementary: 1-3 pages; Middle School: 5-7 pages; High School: 8-10 pages
For the elementary division, students may dictate and have an adult type; however, it should not be altered or edited by the adult.
Entries must be saved in a document file or in a pdf.
Entries must be submitted by Tuesday, April 19th.
Entries should be submitted at:
There will be three winners for each division with the following prize money:
Elementary School: 3-$100 prizes
Middle School: 3-$200 prizes
High School: 3-$350 prizes
1/14 - Spirit Day - #JaguarPride - Celebrate our SJLES Pride and wear your spirit wear or colors
1/17 - MLK Day - HCPSS Schools & Offices Closed
1/19 - Schools Close 3 hours Early (12:20 Dismissal)
1/19 @ 6:00 - Virtual Band Concert Watch Party
1/20 @ 6:00 - HCPSS/Council of Elders Virtual Celebration of Academic Achievement
1/20 @ 7:00 - DMS Rising 6th Grade Orientation (NEW TIME)
1/21 - End of 2nd Marking Period
1/21 - Ocean of Blue Day: Wear as much blue as you can to celebrate kindness!
1/24 - Schools Closed for Students
1/25 - 1/31 - PBIS Spot-O-Gram Store Open
1/28 - Spirit Day - Inside Out Day: Wear your clothes inside out!!
1/31 - Report Cards Issued
2/1 - Schools Closed for Students - Countywide Professional Learning Day
Important CoGAT Information for 3rd and 5th Grade Families
Due to anticipated staff and student COVID-19 related absences, HCPSS will be postponing the January census administration of CogAT in 5th grade. Parents and guardians of 3rd and 5th graders received a message regarding GT placement procedures and the next testing window. If you believe you should have received this information and did not, please contact Erin Coleman at
Young Authors' Contest Submissions Due 1/21
The Howard County Literacy Association invites students in grades 1-5 to submit their original poems and/or short stories to the annual writing contest called The Young Authors' Contest . Please see the attached YAC Flyer Announcing Contest for information about the rules and guidelines. All entries must have a completed YAC Cover Sheet sent as a PDF. Submissions may be emailed to Mrs. Taylor by January 21, 2022. Contact Mrs. Taylor with any questions at
Young Authors’ Contest information can be found on the HCLA website Howard County Literacy Association welcomes parents as members. Visit the HCLA Welcome Page for information about joining.
HCPSS Technology Survey
As HCPSS plans for technology needs in the event of virtual instruction, HCPSS is requesting all families to complete a brief questionnaire regarding your child’s/children’s device needs. While the majority of students have been issued an HCPSS device, students in kindergarten and first grade are not assigned individual devices, and some students at other levels may not have an assigned device for various reasons.
Due to supply issues, HCPSS does not have enough computers for every student. The questionnaire is designed to be filled out for each child in the family, regardless of current device assignment. It will help determine which students without HCPSS devices would need them, and which students have HCPSS devices but could return them if necessary.
Please read completely before accessing the form:
Questionnaire options include:
HCPSS Device – Selecting this option indicates the student would need to retain an existing HCPSS device, or be assigned a new one.
Internet Access – Selecting this option indicates the student would need assistance with internet access, such as a hotspot or other means.
HCPSS Device and Internet – Selecting this option indicates the student would need to retain an existing HCPSS device, or be assigned a new one, and would need assistance with internet access.
None – Selecting this option indicates the student has a personal device available to use for instruction; they would not need a new HCPSS device or if they currently have one, they could return it for use by another student if necessary.
Access and complete the questionnaire by Friday Jan. 14.
To complete the questionnaire:
Log in to HCPSS Connect Synergy using parent/guardian credentials.
Select “More Options” from the left navigation menu.
Select “Student Technology.”
For each child:
Verify that the current HCPSS-issued device information at the top of the page is correct.
If your child is not listed/no device information shows, our records do not have the child currently in possession of an HCPSS device. You do not need to take any action in this section.
Answer the question at the bottom of the page, “In the event of a shift to virtual instruction, for each child, indicate their technology needs.”
Any decision to transition a school to virtual will be made on a case-by-case basis in collaboration with the Howard County Health Department, and in consideration of multiple factors. We know that in-person learning and supports are most effective for children, and we are doing everything possible to keep students and staff in school buildings.
Resources on how to use HCPSS Connect may be found online, including instructions on how to reset parent/guardian passwords. If you need additional assistance using HCPSS Connect, please complete this Connect Help Form.
Daily Health Check Reminder
Parents/guardians MUST perform a COVID-19 health check every day before your student leaves home.
Community News and Programs
Please visit the Community News and Programs page at for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.