SJLES Updates 3/7/22

Greetings SJLES Families,

Our Jaguars are enjoying a very spring-like day today here at The Lane. They may come home a tad sweaty from recess, but this is some this beautiful March weather! Hope you have a chance to enjoy it today, as well!


Thank you SJLES families for the 285 staff shout outs we collected during Staff Appreciation Week! Please know that each message was very well received by our staff. It’s never too late to send a staff member your appreciation. You can directly email any staff member anytime with an uplifting message of appreciation. Please visit our SJLES Staff Directory on our SJLES website for email addresses. 


Please note that we have several community news items and programs that have been added to the bottom portion of this update. Please scroll down to the Community News & Programs section after our Repeated News to view these events. Here’s to a great week for you all and for our SJLES staff and students!



Dan Notari

SJLES Principal  



Kindergarten Registration Is OPEN!

​​Parents/guardians of a child who will be five years old on or before 9/1/22 must complete an online registration to enroll their child in Kindergarten for the 2022-2023 school year. 


It is recommended that you work on a laptop or desktop to complete registration. 

For details about registration and enrollment, visit If you are without access to a computer or have questions please contact our teacher secretaries Mrs. Wolfrey or Mrs. Smith at 410-313-2813 for assistance in completing the registration. Please ensure you are on the screen for 2022-2023 to register for next school year.


The following forms are needed in addition to the online registration:

The HCPSS Getting Ready for Kindergarten page, which includes resources to support kindergarten readiness and online registration and provide additional information and resources for families. This will include the information that is typically covered in the Road to Kindergarten live event, which includes information about kindergarten readiness, the kindergarten program, and registering children for school.


Read Across America Day Recap 

We had a great Read Across America Day this past Wednesday! Our reading specialist Mrs. Taylor and our teachers planned some terrific activities for our students. We enjoyed visits from Howard County Executive Dr. Calvin Ball, HCPSS Superintendent Dr. Michael Martirano, HCPSS Area Three Community Superintendent Dr. Kendra Johnson, HCPSS Area Three Performance Officer Mr. David Burton, and even our SJLES mascot Harry Spotter! Our Jaguar Buddies in grades K & 3, 1 & 4, and 2 & 5 came together to enjoy reading together. Please check out some photos from the day on our Twitter page (@hcpss_sjles) and thanks to our staff for planning such an engaging day for our students.   



  • Click here to access/subscribe to our SJLES Public Calendar 

  • Click here to access/subscribe to the updated HCPSS calendar

  • Click here to access the HCPSS Related Arts Color Schedule

  • 3/7 - 2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration Opens 

  • 3/11 - Spirit Day - Storybook Character Day: Celebrate Reading Month by dressing up as your favorite character from a book

  • 3/16 -  All HCPSS Schools Close 3 Hours Early (SJLES begins dismissal @ 12:20)

  • 3/21-3/25 - Scholastic Book Fair 

  • 3/21-3/25 - Grade 5 Maryland Integrated Science Assessments (MISA) 

  • 3/23 - Vision & Hearing Screening

  • 3/25 - Favorite Book Day: Bring your favorite book to class and be ready to share at morning meeting!

  • 3/29 - Class & Spring Individual Portraits

  • 3/31 - Vision & Hearing Rescreening

  • 4/1 - #JaguarPride: Celebrate our SJLES Pride and wear your Spirit Wear or school colors

  • 4/1 - End of Quarter 3 - HCPSS Schools Close 3 Hours Early (SJLES 12:20 Dismissal)


Keeping Arrival & Dismissal Safe for All!

We are asking a favor of every family who visits our school. Please help us keep arrival and dismissal safe for our students, staff, and neighbors. We have many students who walk to and from SJLES daily. Please keep this in mind as you begin to approach our school property before and after school and to keep a watchful eye out for our “walker” students.


We are asking our “car rider” families to embrace predictable traffic patterns around SJLES by always using the car loop at arrival and dismissal, to be mindful of the safety of our staff on school grounds as they help facilitate arrival and dismissal, and to allow us to be good neighbors to our surrounding properties, especially on Southview Road. We encourage you to always prioritize safety over efficiency. We understand busy school car loops are not a preferred destination, however they allow for the most predictable traffic patterns for our students commuting to and from school. The numerous cars parked along Southview Rd. are creating blindspots for our walker students on that street. These cars also force students to walk in the middle of the road which is already narrowed due to the numerous cars on each side. Our neighbors along Southview Rd. and other neighboring streets are having their front lawns torn up from tire marks and occasionally having their driveways blocked. Families, please partner with us by using the car loop at arrival and dismissal for the safety of our students and allow us to be the good neighbors we hope to be. For additional HCPSS safety tips please click here and please reach out with any questions. Your cooperation is very much appreciated and we hope you all have a great weekend! 


We Need You: SJLES Close Adult Support position

  • This service is provided to some of our students receiving special education services 

  • Applicants will apply through an outside agency that staffs these positions at SJLES. 

  • If you are interested in learning more please contact our Assistant Principal Erin Coleman at and visit this link to apply. 

  • Hours are typically 8:45-3:15.

  • This position now pays an hourly rate of $14/hour.

  • This Close Adult Support position is a great pathway to HCPSS employment. Many current full time staff members began their journey in this position. 

  • We also frequently need substitutes for this role, so if you are looking for just occasional work please let us know! 

HCPSS Calendar Change 

To better align with the Eid al-Fitr holiday, schools now will be closed for students Monday, May 2 and open on Tuesday, May 3. 

  • Monday, May 2: Schools closed for students. It will be a Professional Learning Day for staff and offices will remain open.

  • Tuesday, May 3: Regular school day. 

The HCPSS academic calendar may be found online. Answers to frequently asked questions about the calendar and the HCPSS operating status also are available online.


SJLES Daily Outdoor Lunch Status 

For interested families, we will communicate our Outdoor Lunch Status on our SJLES website landing page daily. Please be sure to check our website for our daily outdoor lunch status.  


Daily Health Check Reminder

Parents/guardians MUST perform a COVID-19 health check every day before your student leaves home.



Please click here to visit the Community News and Programs page for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.   


HCPSS/The Council of Elders (TCOE) Community Academy

The Council of Elders of the Black Community in Howard County (TCOE) in collaboration with the Howard County Public School System will host a TCOE Community Academy on Substance Abuse on March 12 from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. The session will provide information regarding substance abuse prevention and behavioral health within the Howard County community. Representatives from HC Drug Free will provide resources and education on prevention, risk factors, warning signs, and treatment. This session will be held virtually.  Registration is required at: Flyers are located here.  


Howard County Health Department Covid-19 Vaccine Clinics at Libraries

The health department is offering adult and children Covid-19 vaccines at libraries throughout the county. Read more


Families for Depression Awareness Free Webinar

Families for Depression Awareness is presenting a free webinar, Creating Healthy Tech and Media Habits with Your Teen, on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, from 7:00 to 8:30 PM ET/ 4:00 to 5:30 PM PT.  In this webinar, Meredith Gansner, MD, shares how technology and media affect teen mental health, parents and caring adults can support healthy teen use of technology, and media plans guide family technology expectations and practices. This program is designed for parents, guardians, family members, youth workers, and any caring adults interested in learning about the effect of technology and media on teen mental health and how to support teen wellness. Register to join us for a live webinar discussion or watch on demand after it airs. 


After the webinar, complete our online evaluation and you'll be entered for a chance to win a free educational book on the topic of teen depression. Can't attend the live webinar? Register today to submit your questions and watch the recorded webinar after it airs.


HC DrugFree Updates 

FREE Parenting Classes: HC DrugFree will present another series of parenting class for Howard County parents, guardians, and grandparents starting March 30. This program will meet via Zoom for 5 classes (March 30, April 6, 27, & May 4, 11) from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Adults should plan to attend all 5 sessions. Topics include How to Prevent Drug Use in Your Family, How to Develop Healthy Beliefs and Clear Standards, Avoiding Trouble: How to Say No to Drugs, Managing Conflict: How to Control and Express Your Anger Constructively, and How to Strengthening Family Bonds. The class is free, but space is limited. Registrations will be accepted until the class is full or March 22, 2022: For more information: Email, visit www.hcdrugfree.orgor view downloadable flier


FREE Life Skills Classes for Students: HC DrugFree is providing a highly interactive skills-based program designed to promote positive health and personal development for youth in grades 6-9. For slightly younger or older students, please register and we will consider each request. We encourage siblings and friends to take these classes together! These skills have been shown to help students resist substance use, violence, and other high-risk behaviors. Our instructional team consists of dedicated adults and older students sharing situations they may face in high school, college, and beyond. The next series of classes will be held via Zoom Tuesdays and Thursdays May 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, 31 and June 2 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Registration is required. Please sign-up ASAP as space is extremely limited! For more information: Email, visit or view downloadable flier

Parents: If you are interested in learning more about what is happening in Howard County, the many free resources HC DrugFree and other organizations offer, or how your student can volunteer as they learn skills and receive more community service hours, then sign up for our free newsletter to get updates on events as well as information to keep your family safe and informed. Go to the bottom of our homepage at


Medication and Sharps Drive-thru Collection: HC DrugFree’s next drive-thru prescription and over-the-counter medication and sharps (needles, syringes and EpiPens) collection will be held on Saturday, April 30 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Wilde Lake Village Center parking lot in Columbia. Medication will be guarded and transported by the Howard County Police and the DEA. For more information visit or email or view downloadable flier Adults, teens, youth groups, and medically-trained adults may volunteer at