Greetings SJLES Families,
I wanted to connect with you all today to clarify information shared in yesterday’s SJLES Update regarding Field Day T-Shirts. We encourage our Jaguars to wear a shirt with their "grade color" to school on Field Day. Wearing the grade color helps identify our students' location throughout the day and adds to team spirit. If you don’t have a shirt with that specific color try to find one as close to the color as possible.
We will not be providing Field Day shirts to students this year due to funding, however we are providing an option for families to purchase a shirt to commemorate Field Day. Please note that purchasing Field Day shirts is completely optional. Here are the grade colors for field day:
Kindergarten - Kelly Green
1st Grade - Gold
2nd Grade - Carolina Blue
3rd Grade - Red
4th Grade - Lime Green
5th Grade - Purple
Order forms were sent home with students on Monday, 4/25, and can be returned to your child’s homeroom teacher. Orders can also be placed online at . Please note that the purchase deadline for all orders is Friday, 5/6. Once again, I want to uplift that purchasing Field Day shirts is completely optional. We are very excited for the return of in-person Field Day here at The Lane. Families can access our complete Field Day Overview on our SJLES website.
I am also including a special REPEATED NEWS section below to provide another opportunity for our families to provide insights and feedback to help inform our planning and preparation for the 2022-2023 school year. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to provide your input and insights. Have a great rest of your day, SJLES!
Dan Notari
SJLES Principal
Parent Input/Homework Reminders
We want to uplift three opportunities for our families to share insights and feedback to help inform our planning and preparation for the 2022-2023 school year. In other words, we are giving you some homework! Please know that uplifting your voice is critically important and necessary in helping SJLES shape an accessible and rigorous instructional program and an inclusive and engaging school culture. Thank you for your time, insights, and continued partnership!
Parent Homework Assignment # 1 - Due 4/29
Indicators of Educational Equity Survey - 83 Parent Responses
As part of our school improvement process, we are asking families to provide input about their equity priorities for our school. Please use the link below to complete the Indicators of Educational Equity Survey by Friday 4/29. We will use your input, along with other school data, to refine our school improvement plan for next school year.
The survey is anonymous and available in multiple languages. If you have children at more than one school, please complete one survey per school.
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Notari at Thank you for your time and insights!
Parent Homework Assignment # 2 - Due 5/6
SJLES Student Expectations Survey - 54 Parent Responses
Our SJLES staff is so proud of our Jaguars! Our students consistently demonstrate outstanding behaviors and traits within our school building and throughout our community. We here at SJLES are grateful to our families for our collaborative partnership. This partnership helps our Jaguars learn the skills, knowledge, and confidence to positively influence our larger community today and prepares them for rewarding employment in the dynamic, international workplace they will be leading once they leave the comforts of HCPSS years from now.
Our SJLES student expectations are at the core of our instruction, social emotional learning, and our school climate and culture. Our current expectations are Respectful, Responsible, & Ready to Learn. In order to ensure that these guiding principles best serve our current and future Jaguars we are seeking input from our SJLES staff, students, families, and other community stakeholders.
Please consider completing this brief SJLES Student Expectations Survey by Friday, May 6th, to help shape our approach to assuring the academic success and social-emotional well-being of each SJLES Jaguar going forward. We appreciate your time, insights, and partnership. Thank you!
Parent Homework Assignment # 3 - Due 5/27
Parent Input Form For Students Attending SJLES Next Year - 41 Parent Responses
As part of our planning and preparation for 2022-2023, we would like to provide the opportunity to share insights you would like us to consider as we begin the articulation process. This input form is for you, as parents, to relate specific information about your child that you feel would be useful as our staff collaborates to create next year's classes. Our goal of this process is to build heterogeneous classes which foster the academic success and social-emotional well-being of each student in an inclusive and nurturing environment that closes opportunity gaps. Please consider completing our SJLES Parent Input Form 2022-2023 by May 27th to provide us with useful insights regarding your Jaguar(s).