Greetings SJLES Families,
We are excited to kick-off “Concert Season” here at The Lane in just about an hour with our Annual Winter Band Concert starting at 7:00 PM. We look forward to a packed house for each concert performance and thanks to our outstanding teachers for providing the gift of music to our Jaguars. Good luck to all our performers this concert season!
Please note that tomorrow, Wednesday 12/14, is a Professional Work and Wellness Day. All HCPSS schools will dismiss three-hours early. SJLES will begin dismissal at 12:20 tomorrow afternoon. We hope this Update finds you well and thanks, as always, for keeping up to date with all things SJLES. Have a great evening!
Dan Notari
SJLES Principal
HCPSS Emergency / Weather Closings Website
All the information you need for Emergency/Weather Closings can be found here:
Text the word “YES” to 67587 from the cell phone number on file in HCPSS Connect to RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES for Emergency/Weather Closings.
What are the asynchronous day status codes and how will they be used?
Similar to current HCPSS operating status codes, one of two new codes will be used:
Code Pink: Asynchronous Student Day; Buildings Closed
For students and families, the two codes have the same meaning: Elementary school students access asynchronous tasks distributed by teachers or via the HCPSS website.
Inclement Weather Asynchronous Instruction Plan: Assignments
Asynchronous instruction day materials will be posted below and updated each month, and will be accessible by computer, laptop, tablet, phone or other mobile device.
We can provide you with a printed copy if needed.
Please reach out to your child's homeroom teacher if you need a printed copy.
These tasks only need to be completed if HCPSS has an inclement weather asynchronous instruction day.
Students on an IEP who receive modified assignments will receive a paper copy of the assignment from their special education teacher or case manager. Any student with modified assignments will have a paper copy sent home.
Directions: Students should print out the assignment and circle the completed tasks OR list the completed tasks on a separate piece of paper. Students are to submit this document or the completed tasks list to their teacher at the end of the month to get marked for asynchronous day attendance.
Kindergarten-Grade 5 Tasks: Students are expected to complete one asynchronous instruction day task per curricular area: Math, English Language Arts, Content (science, social studies, or health), and related arts class(es) scheduled for that day. That is a total of FOUR tasks per asynchronous day. Students have up to 10 school days to complete the tasks.
Attendance for Asynchronous Days for Inclement Weather: Elementary students will indicate attendance by submitting a list of their completed tasks at the end of each month. A parent can simply write a note of the tasks completed on a sheet of paper and return to the homeroom teacher.
For asynchronous days occurring less than nine days before the end of the month, tasks completion lists will be collected at the end of the next month. Attendance for asynchronous days will be updated monthly.
SJLES Spirit Week: Celebrating Another Awesome Year of Learning at The Lane!
Let’s show some extra school spirit as we approach Winter Break and celebrate all that we have learned this calendar year by participating in our Year End Spirit Week, 12/19 – 12/23.
Monday 12/19 - Magical Monday - Kick off Spirit week with some Magic - Wear anything magical to you- Shirts or Hats with Disney, Marvel, Harry Potter, Fairies, Wizards, Pokemon, Unicorns, etc. What makes you feel Magical???
Tuesday 12/20 - SNo-tari Yourself – Are you ready for some SNOW yet? Wear warm whites from head to toe, winter hats, scarfs, etc. Wear your favorite Olaf shirt or Mr. Notari’s favorite… dress as a snowman-version of your principal, also known as a SNo-tari!
Wednesday 12/21 - Workout Wednesday - Get ready for all that Break Snacking! Wear your favorite Workout Gear, Sweatpants, Running Clothes, etc. We will enjoy some classroom Go Noodle and Exercise fun as well!
Thursday 12/22 - Desk Buddy Day! Bring a stuffed animal, doll, special memento, trophy, etc to school to spend the day with you. It can sit on the corner of your desk for all to see, and maybe even be shared in SEL. Make sure your item is actually small enough to fit ON the corner of your desk. You still need to be able to work ????
Friday 12/23 - PJ Day - Cozy up on this last day before break in your jammies as you watch the special presentation “Prismatic Magic”. Enjoy wearing school appropriate pajamas all day! You still need sneakers for PE and recess, but slippers or socks can be worn in the classroom. During the afternoon, all classes will get to enjoy a special assembly presentation.
Impact Aid Survey
Howard County Public Schools needs your assistance to secure additional funding from the federal government through the Impact Aid program. This program provides funds to school districts that have students whose parents work for a federal government agency or are on active military duty or reside in low-income housing.
The deadline has extended to Monday, December 19. Please take a few minutes to complete the Impact Aid survey.
Confirm your status. If you did not complete Family File this year and work on federal property in Maryland or are active duty military, please log in and complete the Federal Impact Aid section of Family File prior to completing the Impact Aid form.
Apply just your digital signature on the online Impact Aid form.
Log in to HCPSS Connect using parent/guardian credentials.
Select More Options from the left navigation.
Select Federal Impact Aid from the middle.
Note: digital signature only needs to be completed by one parent.
All information provided remains anonymous. With your help, Howard County will secure the district’s appropriate share of Impact Aid funds.
More information is found at Impact Aid. Thank you for your attention to this important manner.
Click here to access/subscribe to the updated HCPSS Calendar
Click here to access the HCPSS Related Arts Color Day Schedule
12/13 @ 7:00 PM - Band Winter Concert
12/14 - Professional Work and Wellness Day: Schools Close 3 Hours Early
SJLES Dismissal Begins at 12:20
12/14 @ 8:00 PM - Virtual PTA Meeting
12/15 @ 7:00 PM - Band Winter Concert (Snow Date)
12/16 - Sweater Day: Wear your ugliest, most interesting, or favorite sweater
12/21 - Restaurant Night at Yama Sushi
12/23 PJ Day: Wear your favorite PJs to celebrate our final day before winter break
12/23 - PTA Cultural Arts: Prismatic Magic Laser Light Show
12/24 - 1/2 - Winter Break
1/3 - School Reopens
1/6 - Hat Day: Show off your favorite hat to your class!
1/9 - 1/27 - PTA Read-A-Thon
1/11 @ 8:00 - PTA Meeting on Zoom
Principal’s Report Focus: SJLES Family Feedback Survey Results
1/12 @ 6:00 PM - Read-A-Thon’s Cozy Reading Night
1/13 - #JaguarPride: Celebrate our SJLES pride & wear your spirit wear or school colors
1/13 @ 9:00 AM - Coffee & Conversation with Administration
RSVP by emailing Mrs. Newberry at
1/16 - All HCPSS Schools and Offices Closed
1/17 @ 6:00 PM - Orchestra Winter Concert
1/18 - Professional Work & Wellness Day: Schools Close 3 Hours Early /12:20 Dismissal
1/18 @ 8:00 - Read-A-Thon’s Cozy Reading Night - SNOW DATE
1/20 - End of 2nd Marking Period
1/20 - Ocean of Blue Day - Wear as much blue as you can to celebrate Kindness Month
1/23 - All HCPSS Schools Closed for Students: Professional Work Day
1/24 @ 6:00 - Orchestra Winter Concert - New SNOW DATE
1/26 - Restaurant Night at Honey Pig Hot Pot
1/27 - Inside Out Day - Wear your clothes inside out!
1/30 - Report Cards Issued
Family Feedback Engagement Opportunities
Thank you to our 77 families who completed our SJLES Family Feedback Survey. Your insights are greatly appreciated and very helpful. We will provide differentiated opportunities to share and discuss the results of the survey with our community in January.
During the Principal’s Report portion of the monthly PTA Zoom Meeting on January 11th at 8:00 PM, Mr. Notari will present a condensed version of the survey results and facilitate a conversation with our attending families regarding the current state of our school.
On Friday, January 13th at 9:00 AM, we will host an in-person Coffee and Conversation with Administration here at SJLES to discuss the results and insights to our school’s current state and practices in greater detail. Thank you to our PTA for providing light refreshments. If you are interested in attending please RSVP by emailing our principal’s secretary Mrs. Newberry at An RSVP is not necessary but will allow us to purchase the just right amount of refreshments for our attendees.
TCOE Community Academy on Social Emotional Well-Being
Join HCPSS and the Council of Elders (TCOE) virtually on December 10 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. for an engaging session regarding student well-being. HCPSS staff will provide information about mental health resources within the school system and representatives from the National Alliance on Mental Illness will share how to identify behaviors that affect your child’s social/emotional well-being and strategies to openly discuss suicide prevention and mental health awareness (such as depression and anxiety). This session is for families of students at the elementary, middle, or high level. To register, please complete the registration form linked here. Please see the flier for more information: TCOE Social Emotional Well-Being.
Snacks Available in Cafeteria
Starting December 1st, snacks will be available to purchase for students in 1st-5th grade. Children who buy lunch from the cafeteria and children who bring their lunch from home will be able to purchase a snack after all lunches are served. Students will only be permitted to purchase one snack per day.
Below is a list of the snacks that are available to purchase. Please make sure you have a conversation with your child about whether or not you are comfortable with them purchasing snacks.
Cookies - 50¢
Pretzels - 75¢
Sidekicks Smoothie Cup - 75¢
Rice Krispie Treat - $1.00
This year, the Howard County Public School System will be administering the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) to all students in grades 3 and 5. The CogAT is a group-administered abilities test that measures students’ reasoning abilities, which they develop through in-school and out-of-school experiences. It is not designed to test a student’s academic achievement, but their potential.
The test is made of three batteries – Verbal, Quantitative, and Nonverbal. Each battery takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The CogAT helps educators understand a student’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses and assists with adapting instruction to meet the needs and abilities of each student.
All students in Grades 3 and 5 will participate in the testing. The CogAT will be administered at SJLES on the following dates:
3rd grade: Dec 6, 7
5th Grade: Dec 12, 13, 15
Make-up testing will be conducted on December 19.
The Gifted and Talented Education Program will use the data from the CogAT as one criterion for placement into fourth grade Gifted/Talented mathematics classes and middle school Gifted/Talented content classes. Students’ individual scores will be reported to parents in late February/early March.
No special preparation is required. Just send your child to school ready to learn as you do daily. Please contact Erin Coleman if you have any questions about your child’s involvement with the CogAT assessment.
Please click here to visit the Community News and Programs page for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.