SJLES Update 5/31/23

Greetings SJLES Families, 

Thank you to our outstanding PE team of Ms. Carty, Mr. Frantz, and Ms. Orgera for leading our 2023 Field Day efforts. Field Day may just be the most anticipated day of the year for our Jaguars and it did not disappoint thanks to the planning and preparation of our PE team, our countless volunteers, dedicated staff members, tremendous PTA support, perfect weather, and of course our superstar Jaguar athletes. Thank you all for a great day. Here’s to an even better final few weeks of the school year together!


Dan Notari

SJLES Principal


FINAL CHANCE! Register by June 1 for 2023-2024 Bus Service

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Families whose students are eligible for HCPSS-provided transportation are required to register by June 1 to receive bus service for the coming 2023-2024 school year. Families who reside in non-transportation areas and those who have students who receive transportation as part of their IEP or 504 Plan do not need to take any action.

Summer Curriculum Resources
The elementary curriculum offices have compiled several activities and strategies for students to enhance their learning during the summer. The resource can be found on the Canvas Parent Pages linked below. Resources can be viewed by grade level and subject. Additional resources and suggestions can also be found on the Parent Pages. These resources include games, strategy instruction tips, field trip suggestions, and much more. Please feel free to share this information with your families.

GaGa Ball Pit is Coming in 2023-2024

We are very excited about the recent addition of the GaGa Ball Pit on our recess playground. Thank you PTA!  At the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year our PE team will dedicate time to instruct all grade levels about the rules and how to play the activity safely at recess. We look forward to our grand opening next school year!

Kindergarten Sneak A Peek Slideshow

HCPSS Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open! Parents/guardians of children who will be five on or before September 1, 2023, must enroll their children in kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year.  On May 24th we held a Kindergarten Sneak A Peek for incoming families. Please click here to access the slideshow from the Sneak A Peek.

Opportunity for Feedback/Input: 23-24 School Year Car Loop Procedures

Please help us plan for the 23-24 School Year by providing feedback and input about our current car loop procedures.  With an expected increase in the number of car riders for the 23-24 school year, we want to be proactive in enhancing our current procedures to ensure the safest and most efficient process for our community. 

Please complete this form by the last day of school on June 14, 2023 if you would like to provide feedback/input.  You can view our current arrival and dismissal procedures for parents here. We value your feedback and suggestions!

Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration Reminder

Kindergarten: Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open! Families of children who will be five years old by September 1, 2023 should enroll their child in kindergarten or submit a kindergarten waiver. “It’s Time to Register for Kindergarten” fliers and posters have been distributed to all elementary schools; electronic files can be accessed on Canvas. Families can find more information about enrolling children in kindergarten, as well as resources to support kindergarten readiness, the kindergarten waiver, and more on the HCPSS website.

Pre-K: The HCPSS Pre-K program is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year with expanded eligibility criteria! Families of children aged four or five by September 1, 2023, may apply. The HCPSS Pre-K program is free to families; some locations are full-day.  Families can submit a completed application to or their local elementary school. For an application, information about the program, and eligibility guidelines, please visit the HCPSS website or contact Early Childhood Programs at 410-313-6836.


  • 5/31 @ 11:00 - 5th Grade Program Howard County Conservancy

  • 6/1 - 2023-2024 Transportation Registration Closes

  • 6/1 @ 10:00 - 5th Gr. Middle School Visit

  • 6/2 - Red, White & Blue Day! Wear Red, White, & Blue to school! 

  • 6/6 - HoCo Library Visit 

  • 6/6 @ 11:45-12:45 - Gr1 Pumped Up Picnic

  • 6/7 @  9:30-11:30 -  5th Grade Picnic

  • 6/7 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early : SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20

  • 6/8 @ 11:15 -12:15 - Gr2 Pumped Up Picnic 

  • 6/8 @ 1:15-2:15 - Gr4 Pumped Up Picnic

  • 6/9 @ 9:30-11:30 - Kindergarten Promotion & Picnic

  • 6/9 @ 12:15-1:15 - Gr3 Pumped Up Picnic 

  • 6/9 - Summer Lovin' Day: Grab your sunglasses, Hawaiian shirt, lei or shirt from your favorite vacation to say HELLO to summer in style!

  • 6/12 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early: SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20

  • 6/13 - Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony (Tentatively Scheduled for 9:30-11:00)

  • 6/13 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early: SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20

  • 6/14 - Last Scheduled Student Day: Schools Close 3 Hours Early - SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20


Pumped Up Picnics are Coming!

SJLES Families are invited to join us in celebrating an awesome school year at our K-5 PBIS Pumped Up Picnics! You can bring a blanket, lunch, and some good vibes to our playground to have some fun with your Jaguar(s). Most events will take place during each grade level’s regular lunch and recess block. School lunch will still be available for students, but, as mentioned, families are welcome to bring something special if you choose to do so. 

Please note that Fla-Vor-Ice Pops will be provided to students who choose to have one. Families can review the ingredients by clicking here

Please see the schedule below and more information will follow from each grade level team. Looking forward to enjoying some Pumped Up Picnic fun with our school community!

  • 6/6 @ 11:45-12:45 - Gr1 Pumped Up Picnic

  • 6/7 @  9:30-11:30 -  5th Grade Picnic

  • 6/8 @ 11:15 -12:15 - Gr2 Pumped Up Picnic 

  • 6/8 @ 1:15-2:15 - Gr4 Pumped Up Picnic

  • 6/9 @ 9:30-11:30 - Kindergarten Promotion & Picnic

  • 6/9 @ 12:15-1:15 - Gr3 Pumped Up Picnic 

FINAL CALL! Parent Input Form For Students Attending SJLES Next Year   

As part of our planning and preparation for 2023-2024, we would like to provide the opportunity to share insights you would like us to consider as we begin the articulation process. This input form is for you, as parents, to relate specific information about your child that you feel would be useful as our staff collaborates to create next year's classes. Our goal of this process is to build heterogeneous classes which foster the academic success and social-emotional well-being of each student in an inclusive and nurturing environment that closes opportunity gaps. Please consider completing our SJLES Parent Input Form 2023-2024 by Friday, 5/26 to provide us with useful insights regarding your Jaguar(s).


In alignment with Howard County Board of Education, the following announcements have been approved by the Public Information Office for distribution. To view upcoming events click: