Greetings SJLES Families,
We had a great time celebrating our kindergarten Jaguars today at their promotion ceremony. We are so proud of them and all of their growth this year. They are officially ready for first grade! Thank you to our staff and families for all the love, support, and cheering this morning! We look forward to next week where we will wrap-up the year with our remaining Jaguar Huddles, Pumped Up Picnics, and our 5th Grade Closing Ceremony. Have a wonderful weekend, hope the smog dissipates soon, and we look forward to our remaining days together here at The Lane this school year!
Dan Notari
SJLES Principal
Spring Portraits Sent Home With Students TODAY!
Student spring portraits will be sent home with your Jaguar today (Friday). Please look at the packets this weekend and return them next week. Families only pay for the photo sheets they want to keep and return the rest. Instructions are on the envelopes and the price sheet is in with the photos.
Updated Pumped Up Picnic/Recess Schedules
Due to the poor quality alert issued by NOAA and the EPA, all outdoor activities have been canceled effective immediately through today. Several teams have emailed families with the change of plans for Pumped Up Picnics and celebrations. As of now, here is our schedule for next week…
Monday 6/12 @ 9:15-10:15 - Grade 2 Pumped Up Picnic
Monday 6/12 @ 10:50 - 11:50 - Grade 4 Pumped Up Picnic
Tuesday 6/13 @ 9:30 - Grade 5 Promotion Ceremony & Reception
No changes to this event at this time
Wednesday 6/14 @ 9:50-10:30 - Kindergarten Pumped Up Recess
Wednesday 6/14 @ 10:30-11:30 - Grade 3 Pumped Up Picnic
We will continue to follow HCPSS guidance in monitoring the outdoor air quality and be very thoughtful as we navigate its impact upon our end of year celebrations. If additional events need to be postponed, altered in some fashion, or canceled we will keep our students and families updated. Thank you for your understanding and stay tuned!
Upcoming Early Dismissals
Please note that SJLES dismissal will begin at 12:20 PM on the following days next week…
6/12 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early
6/13 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early
6/14 - Last Scheduled Student Day: Schools Close 3 Hours Early
Click here to access/subscribe to the updated HCPSS Calendar
Click here to access the HCPSS Related Arts Color Day Schedule
6/9 @ 9:30-11:30 - Kindergarten Promotion & Picnic
6/9 - Summer Lovin' Day: Grab your sunglasses, Hawaiian shirt, lei or shirt from your favorite vacation to say HELLO to summer in style!
6/12 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early: SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20
6/13 - Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony (Tentatively Scheduled for 9:30-11:00)
6/13 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early: SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20
6/14 - Last Scheduled Student Day: Schools Close 3 Hours Early - SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20
6/19 - All HCPSS schools and offices are closed
7/4 - All HCPSS schools and offices are closed
Summer Curriculum Resources
The elementary curriculum offices have compiled several activities and strategies for students to enhance their learning during the summer. The resource can be found on the Canvas Parent Pages linked below. Resources can be viewed by grade level and subject. Additional resources and suggestions can also be found on the Parent Pages. These resources include games, strategy instruction tips, field trip suggestions, and much more. Please feel free to share this information with your families.
Kindergarten Sneak A Peek Slideshow
HCPSS Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open! Parents/guardians of children who will be five on or before September 1, 2023, must enroll their children in kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year. On May 24th we held a Kindergarten Sneak A Peek for incoming families. Please click here to access the slideshow from the Sneak A Peek.
Opportunity for Feedback/Input: 23-24 School Year Car Loop Procedures
Please help us plan for the 23-24 School Year by providing feedback and input about our current car loop procedures. With an expected increase in the number of car riders for the 23-24 school year, we want to be proactive in enhancing our current procedures to ensure the safest and most efficient process for our community.
Please complete this form by the last day of school on June 14, 2023 if you would like to provide feedback/input. You can view our current arrival and dismissal procedures for parents here. We value your feedback and suggestions!
Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration Reminder
Kindergarten: Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open! Families of children who will be five years old by September 1, 2023 should enroll their child in kindergarten or submit a kindergarten waiver. “It’s Time to Register for Kindergarten” fliers and posters have been distributed to all elementary schools; electronic files can be accessed on Canvas. Families can find more information about enrolling children in kindergarten, as well as resources to support kindergarten readiness, the kindergarten waiver, and more on the HCPSS website.
Pre-K: The HCPSS Pre-K program is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 school year with expanded eligibility criteria! Families of children aged four or five by September 1, 2023, may apply. The HCPSS Pre-K program is free to families; some locations are full-day. Families can submit a completed application to or their local elementary school. For an application, information about the program, and eligibility guidelines, please visit the HCPSS website or contact Early Childhood Programs at 410-313-6836.
In alignment with Howard County Board of Education, the following announcements have been approved by the Public Information Office for distribution. To view upcoming events click: