Afternoon Dismissal Changes

Afternoon Dismissal Changes

Parents may need to change their child’s dismissal plans occasionally. If you know of these changes in advance, please email the following staff members with the change in dismissal plans by 10:00 am… 

If parents do not know in advance, please call the school directly at 410-313-2813 after 10:00 am and inform our secretaries, as teachers may not be able to check email or may have a substitute for the day. Please note that a courtesy email to the ELA and Math teacher is always appreciated. As a reminder, our staff directory, including email addresses, can be found on our school website.

It is very important that families are mindful of their child’s early dismissal timing. This year, we are asking that parents pick up their children no later than 3:30 pm if there is a need for an early dismissal. This allows our front office staff adequate time to call and ready your child before school-wide dismissal preparation begins. Thank you for helping our staff to follow your dismissal changes accurately.