Looking for a unique gift for family and friends for birthdays or upcoming holidays? The SJLES PTA, Mrs. Peddicord, and Ms. Skyles are here to help! Original Works is an art-based fundraising company that will transform your child’s artwork into products you can share or gift to family and friends. The money raised from this program goes primarily to the SJLES Art Department. This extra funding allows Mrs. Peddicord and Ms. Skyles to purchase additional materials that further enrich our SJLES art program and support our school-wide art displays as well as our annual Night of the Arts.
Please keep an eye out for a packet coming home on 10/17 with everything you’ll need to create masterpieces with your child’s work. It will be due back to the school on Monday, October 30th. If you have questions after receiving the packet, please reach out to jane.gribble@gmail.com.