Walk to School Day 5/1 | May Day 5/11| Spirit Wear NOW
As of right now, we do not have a PTA for next year!
What happens if no one steps up to fill the open PTA Board positions for 2023-2024?
There won’t be a PTA – which means no events for the kids. The PTA is the reason we have Turkey Trot, Trunk-or-Treat, Bingo Night, Multicultural Night, the Book Fair, and of course, the May Day Festival. But that’s just the beginning. The PTA also supports staff, funds enrichment activities, cultural arts assemblies, staff appreciation events, and more.
Now is the time to get involved! Please don’t assume someone else will raise their hand–we need YOU! The Election takes place at the May meeting, so time really is running out. Without a president, VP, treasurer, and some crucial committee members, our school will not have a PTA at all next year. Our open positions are:
1st Vice President
Recording Secretary
PTA Council of Howard County Representatives (2 positions open)
Nominations are accepted via this online form - click here to access!
The PTA’s work helps build a sense of community among SJLES families and create lasting memories for students! And surprise… Volunteering for the school in this way is so rewarding!If you have questions or want to talk it over, please reach out to our current President, Katie Brewer, at SJLES.PTAmail@gmail.com.
May Day is Coming Soon and Pre-Sales are Happening Now!
The famous May Day Festival will once again be held at SJLES on Saturday, May 11th, from 1:00 - 5:00 PM! EARLY BIRD prices/pre-sales will be available until Friday, April 26 and can be done with Order forms sent home or online at the PTA store via our PTA online store.
The reason May Day runs smoothly every year is because we are lucky to have great volunteers! We need your help to make May Day run smoothly! Choose a time slot to help with the games, prize tables, and silent auction. Click here to sign up. Thank you!
We are also looking for Bake Sale volunteers and Items for Loan. We need 10 more canopies to make May Day work! Thank you!
Please reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator, Jane Fisher, with any questions at SJLES.volunteer@gmail.com.
Spirit Wear: Store Open Now!
The Spirit Wear store is open for a quick sale! This is your last chance to get Spirit Wear this year, and the store will only be open through 4/28. Orders will be delivered around mid-May.
Walk & Roll to School Day: 5/1
The PTA Is planning a Spring Walk to School Day on 5/1. Find out all the details here: Walk to School Flyer May 2024.docx
Healthy Minds, Healthy Me Program: Building Your Mental Well-being Muscle
New to the Healthy Minds, Healthy Me program? Get the background and catch up on prior week’s resources on the the SJLES PTA Facebook page and Healthy Minds, Healthy Me program page on the PTA Website.
Watch: Building Social and Emotional Skills at Home (15 mins)
Read: What Families Can Do to Support Healthy Minds (<5mins)
Connect: Have meaningful conversations that build connection using the Family Discussion Guide
Practice: How to relax (seriously!) through Progressive Muscle Relaxation for kids (part 1 and part 2) and adults
Understand Who’s Who: Review the types of providers involved in supporting your families mental health
For specific providers, visit the Healthy Minds, Healthy Me program page on the PTA Website.
Connect with the PTA
Like (and Favorite!) our Facebook page to stay up to date
Check out our website for all the info
Learn how to easily submit Box Tops for Education
Send us your feedback to SJLES.PTAmail@gmail.com