5/27 - HCPSS Schools & Offices Closed
5/30 - 5th Grade Middle School Visits
5/31 - Field Day (New Date)
6/3 - Regular School Day
6/4 - Regular School Day
6/4 - Howard County Library Visit
6/4 -3rd grade Jaguar Huddle
6/4 @ 4:30 Kindergarten Sneak-A-Peek (For Incoming Kindergarten Families)
6/5 - Schools dismiss 3-hours early (Professional Work Day) / 12:55 SJLES dismissal
6/5 @ 10:30 - 5th Grade Closing Picnic
6/5 @ 8:00 PM - PTA Zoom Meeting
6/6 - Regular School Day
6/6 - 4th Grade Jaguar Huddle
6/7 - Regular school day
6/7 @ 10:00 - Kindergarten Closing Celebration and Picnic
6/10 - Regular School Day
6/10 @ 11:40 - 3rd Grade Pumped Up Picnic
6/11 - Regular school day
6/11 @ 1:40 - 4th grade Pumped Up Picnic
6/11 - 5th Grade Jaguar Huddle
6/12 - Schools dismiss 3-hours early (Professional Work Day) / 12:55 SJLES dismissal
6/12 - 1st Grade Jaguar Huddle
6/12 - 1st Grade Pumped Up Picnic
6/13 - Schools dismiss 3-hours early (Professional Learning Day) / 12:55 SJLES dismissal
6/13 @ 10:30-12:00 - 5th Grade Closing Ceremony
6/14 - Schools dismiss three hours early (Professional Work Day - Last scheduled day for students and 10-month staff)
6/14 - 2nd grade Jaguar Huddle
6/14 @ 10:55 - 2nd grade Pumped Up Picnic