Greetings SJLES Families,
It was another great week here at The Lane as we welcomed our K-2 Cohort A and B students back into our building. Mrs. Redd and I are so proud of our staff, students, and families. It truly is a time of transition for all stakeholders of our school community and we are responding in such a collaborative, adaptive, and positive manner. I am so thankful for the kind words from our community during this time. The “just because” positive emails that we receive daily, your words of appreciation during our parent orientations over the past month, your thoughtful questions, and your support of and donations to our PTA during this time of welcoming staff and students back mean so much. These acts uplift the strengths of who we are as a school community. It is very much appreciated and your support, collaboration, and grace are so critical to our work right now.
As always, please email me ( and Mrs. Redd ( if we can be of service to your family. Stay safe, stay well, and have a great weekend!
Dan Notari
SJLES Principal
Message From Our Health Room
At this time 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders have been identified to return Hybrid on March 29th on A or B Days and we would like to invite Parents to come on March 24, 2021 from 8:00am-1:30pm to drop off any medications that your child may require to have while in the school building. Due to the current safety guidelines our school system has set in place we ask that you DO NOT enter the school building upon your arrival to drop of your child’s medication, please call our direct Health Room phone number @ 410-313-2816 at that time we will give you further instructions on retrieving the medications from you.
Please remember all medication:
Must be new and unopened
Clearly labeled with a pharmacy label
Medication form/EpiPen Form completed entirely & signed by physician
Medication form/EpiPen form signed by parent
30 Day supply only can be accepted
Any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at any time by email or calling the above Health Room phone number. We look forward to seeing you and please continue to Stay Safe & Healthy!
Mrs. Hanssen /
Ms. Leisner /
Health and Safety Reminder
We are excited to welcome students back to in-person instruction! As a reminder, parents are to perform a health check every day before the student leaves home to ensure they are healthy enough to attend in-person instruction.
1 of the following:
New onset cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing
New loss of taste or smell
2 of the following:
Fever over 100.4 or chills within the past 24 hours
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Chills or shaking chills
Nausea or vomiting
If your child is experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, please refrain from transporting your child to school or allowing them to take the school bus until they are no longer experiencing symptoms. HCPSS staff members are required to perform the same health check before reporting to HCPSS buildings.
If you are interested in learning more about HCPSS Health Guidance at this time please visit our SJLES Website. Thank you for assisting us in our efforts to support the safety of all of our students and staff who are returning to SJLES and for your continued support and understanding during this time.
SPREAD THE WORD! 2021-2022 Kindergarten & Pre-K Registration is OPEN!
Kindergarten Registration for next school year is now being conducted ONLINE. Please scroll down to the green Begin Online Registration link. Students must be five years old by September 1, 2021 to register. If your child will be attending Kindergarten in the fall, please visit the HCPSS Getting Ready for Kindergarten page, which includes resources to support kindergarten readiness. We also encourage families to visit our Grade K Family and Community Resources page for more information about the kindergarten instructional program and ways families can support their children at home.
Pre-K Registration begins this Monday, March 15, 2021 and will also be conducted ONLINE. Please scroll down to the green Begin Online Registration link. Children must be four years old by September 1, 2021 to attend. Please call the school front office at 410-313-2813 with any questions.
Join Our Outstanding SJLES Team!
Are you interested in working with the best students and staff in the whole wide world? Are you looking to make a difference in the lives of our kids each and every day? Well, we have outstanding news to share. SJLES is currently hiring for the following positions...
Close Adult Support Position
This service is provided to some of our students receiving special education services
Applicants will apply through an outside agency that staffs these positions at SJLES.
Mrs. Redd will guide you through the process!
The position is a 6 hour daily position.
We also frequently need substitutes for this role, so if you are looking for just occasional work please let us know!
Lunch/Recess Monitor
This position would begin on March 1st for Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
The hours are 11:05am - 2:05pm
The pay rate is $14.25/hour.
If you are interested in any of these positions here at SJLES please email our Assistant Principal Mrs. Redd at
HCPSS Summer Programs Registration
Online enrollment requests for currently enrolled HCPSS students is open for the following programs:
BSAP Summer Institute (Grades K-9)
Gifted and Talented Summer Institutes for Talent Development (Grades 1-8)
Innovative Pathways High School (Math and Science only, Grades 9-12)
STARTALK Chinese Language Summer Camp (Grades 3-8)
Please refer to the Summer Programs web page to find up-to-date course information and enrollment directions. Enrollment is first come, first serve, and will close on 3/29/21.
Access our SJLES Public Calendar at
3/25 - Intermediate Student Orientation
Team 3-5 will share times & codes with students and families
3/26 - Baseball Day: Wear your favorite baseball team colors, jersey, or hat
3/29 - Gr 3-5 Cohort A Hybrid Students Return In-Person
4/1 - Gr 3-5 Cohort B Hybrid Students Return In-Person
4/2 - 4/6 - Spring Break: All HCPSS Schools Closed
4/7 - All HCPSS Schools reopen
4/9 - #Jaguar Pride - Celebrate our SJLES Pride and wear your Spirit Wear or school colors
4/14 - 3-Hour Early Dismissal: End of 3rd Marking Period
4/16 - Disney Day: Celebrate all the magic at SJLES by dressing up as your favorite Disney character or wearing your favorite Disney apparel
REMINDER: A/B Hybrid Cohort Assignments
Families may view your child’s group designation at any time by taking the following steps:
Log in to HCPSS Connect Synergy using parent/guardian credentials
Select Student Info from the left panel
Scroll down to the Other Data section to see the Student group for the attendance field.
If after logging in you do not see the options, please confirm you are logged in with your credentials and not as your child. If you need additional assistance logging in please contact Mrs. Kennedy at Please contact Mr. Notari at with any A/B questions.
Bus Transportation
Parents of students who will be riding the bus when returning in-person are invited to check the Bus Locator tool on the HCPSS website. To use the tool, type in your home address. The cross on the map represents your child’s bus stop. On the left-hand side of your screen, you will see the bus stop location, contractor information, bus number, and morning arrival/afternoon drop off times for your child’s bus. Families of students who receive specialized transportation will receive information about your child’s bus schedule directly from the bus contractors.
School Supplies
Grade level teams have posted their full supply lists on Canvas. All teams will be asking for the items below and additional supporting items such as pencils, journals, etc.
Mask (Consider sending students with 2 per day)
Charging Cord
Water Bottle
Please carry and do not place in bookbag with laptop
Independent Reading Book
Get Answers!
Updated FAQs to Share with Families and Staff: FAQs are being continually being added online and may be shared with families. Additionally, FAQs dedicated to staff may also be shared with staff in your schools and offices.
SJLES Technology Help
If you experience any technology issues, remember to fill out our SJLES Technology Form and a member of our team will help you. Additional details can be found on