SJLES Updates 7/5/22

Greetings SJLES Families, 

I hope this communication finds each of our families enjoying the first few weeks of summer break and that you all had a wonderful Independence Day weekend. Things here at school are going well. Our custodians are working hard preparing our building for back to school, we have hired some outstanding new staff members that we can’t wait to introduce you all to, and planning for 2022-2023 is well underway. 

Today’s Update provides insights to our SJLES Summer Engagement opportunities. We will host our first virtual lunch bunches this Thursday. Three Kindergarten Jaguar Summer Stories are linked below. Don’t worry 1st - 5th graders, we didn't forget about you! Our K-5 Jaguar Summer Stories will be included in our next SJLES Update. Our PTA will come together via Zoom tomorrow night for their first of two summer planning sessions. Check our Mark Your Calendar section for playdates here at The Lane this summer with our first Kindergarten Popsicles on the Playground scheduled for Wednesday, 7/20 at 10:30 AM. All the details you need to know are below. Hope you all are well and look forward to seeing everyone soon!


Dan Notari 

SJLES Principal


Virtual Lunch Bunches THIS Thursday!  

Mr. Notari and Ms. Coleman are excited to offer our first 2022 Summer Virtual Lunch Bunches!  Please review the information below. We will continue to offer these opportunities to engage students with their administrators, friends, and special surprise guests throughout the school year. We look forward to seeing many of our Jaguars at our lunch bunches throughout the summer!

  • Please note...

    • Returning students should login using their HCPSS credentials. 

  • Kindergarten families with older siblings may log in with a current HCPSS student login. 

  • Kindergarten & new families with an email on file through the registration process will be admitted into our virtual lunch bunches. 

Jaguar Summer Stories: Kindergarten Edition 

Each summer our staff share read-alouds of their favorite books with our Jaguars which we call Jaguar Summer Stories. Our kindergarteners get their very own special stories throughout the summer where they will be able to get to know their teachers, administrators, and support staff while listening to our Kindergarten Edition of Jaguar Summer Stories. To kick things off this summer, here are our first Jaguar Summer Stories, especially for our rising kindergarteners from Mrs. Shoff, Mr. Notari, and Mrs. Taylor. 

All Jaguar Summer Stories & Kindergarten Jaguar Summer Stories will be shared within our SJLES Updates and then posted on our SJLES website. Be on the lookout for new stories for our kindergarten students and for our K-5 students, as well! 

We Want Kindergarteners! Spread the word! 

Kindergarten registration for families of children who will be 5 by September 1, 2022, is underway. Please encourage any families you know who will have kindergarten students here next year to complete as soon as possible. Parents can begin the enrollment process online, after which our registrar will contact you to complete the registration process. Current HCPSS prekindergarten students do not need to be re-registered for kindergarten because they are already enrolled as an HCPSS student.

PTA Planning Meeting Wed, 7/6 @ 8:00 PM

This summer, our PTA will hold two planning sessions so we’ll be ready for next school year.  Just like our regular PTA meetings, these sessions will be held on the first Wednesday of the month at 8:00 p.m. via Zoom. Hope to see you there!

  • July 6th

  • August 3rd

Mark your calendars now and bookmark our zoom link: 

  • Meeting ID: 844 9013 8573

  • Passcode: 643443 



HCPSS & SJLES emails & Text Messages

All parents/guardians are in our system to receive HCPSS and school emails/text messages. HCPSS systems will update in early August, at which point parents will automatically receive communication from your child’s 2022-2023 school. Prior to that rollover, you will continue to receive communication from your child’s 2021-2022 school. Please do not attempt to create a new account with your child’s 2022-2023 school. Additionally, unsubscribing from any HCPSS or school messages will block you from receiving all messages from the district and your child’s school. Please do not unsubscribe!

Free Summer Meals

HCPSS will continue providing free meals to all HCPSS students and any children aged 18 and under, weekdays from 6/27 - 8/12, with the exception of July 4 & 19. Full details, including site locations, can be found online.

Summer Curriculum Resources

The elementary curriculum offices have compiled several activities and strategies for students to enhance their learning during the summer. The resource can be found on the Canvas Parent Pages and can be viewed by grade level and subject. Additional resources and suggestions can also be found on the Parent Pages. These resources include games, strategy instruction tips, field trip suggestions and more. This information is also housed on our SJLES website for future reference.

Virtual Welcome to Kindergarten

Thank you to all our families who attended the Virtual Welcome to Kindergarten. For our rising kindergarten families who could not attend, no worries! We will have many opportunities to connect throughout the summer. For anyone interested, please click on this link to access the Welcome to Kindergarten slideshow.

Kindergarten Here We Come 

The Howard County Library will be hosting Kindergarten Here We Come classes this summer. Attached are the English and Spanish versions of the class flier for this summer. 


Please click here to visit the Community News and Programs page for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.