Greetings SJLES Families,
Thank you for the outstanding turnout at our Back To School Nights this week. Please note that each grade level team’s presentations, as well as the slideshow from our Gifted and Talented Information Session, can be found on Canvas.
Over the past two weeks, Ms. Coleman and I have had the privilege of sharing some of our collective principal wisdom with our students to ensure every Jaguar starts this school year strong. We provide an overview of HCPSS policies and discuss our Students’ Rights & Responsibilities with each grade level team. These topics can be found within the 2022-2023 HCPSS Student and Parent Handbook. The handbook is a helpful resource to frame expectations for our students and includes HCPSS practices, policies, and services that enrich our students’ academic success and social-emotional well-being.
Our conversations with each grade level team are framed by developmentally appropriate language and engagement strategies for our differentiated audiences. We will be reading books to our kindergarteners in the coming weeks to continue building expectations in regard to being a Kind, Engaged, Responsible, and Resilient SJLES Jaguar for our youngest Jaguars.
We share this information with you to provide an opportunity to further the conversation at home. A simple “I heard your grade level team had a chat with Mr. Notari & Ms. Coleman recently” should be a good way to start the discussion. We certainly are proud of how our Jaguars have begun the year and look forward to an awesome 2022-2023 at The Lane. As always, thank you for your continued collaboration, support, and partnership. Have a great weekend!
Dan Notari
SJLES Principal
Health Room Updates
UPCOMING - October 11, 2022- FLU CLINIC at SJLES administered by MDH (Info will be sent out for permission)
Health Room Contacts- When emailing the health room please always include both Mrs. DeLair & Ms. Leisner.
Direct phone number- 410-313-2816 Direct Fax- 410-203-1283
Please keep your child at home if they are experiencing ONE or more symptoms of COVID. Symptoms of COVID includes a cough, fever (100.4 and above), vomiting/diarrhea, sore throat, severe headache, loss of taste or smell.
If your child is exhibiting symptoms of COVID, please test them before sending them into school.
If your child tests positive for COVID, regardless of their vaccination status, they must stay home for at least 5 full days from the date of their symptom onset. Day 0 (Zero) is considered the day the symptoms started or the day of positive test if not having symptoms. After isolating for 5 days, your child can return to school on day 6 if they are fever free, symptoms have improved, and they are able to wear a mask for the following 5 days.
If your child tests Positive please email Mrs. DeLair, Ms. Leisner and
HCPSS requests per MDH if you could complete this link if your child tests positive.
We know it is hard to keep up with all the changes and if you ever have questions or are unsure when your child can return to school, we are here to help so please reach out to us in the Health Room.
Communicable Disease- If your child is negative for COVID but has a fever, they must be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication prior to returning to school. If your child is experiencing diarrhea and/or vomiting, they must be free of diarrhea/vomiting for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
Reminders- Hydration is important during the school day, please send your child with a water bottle every day.
Clothing for all grades levels K-5- Things happen (I.E. Mud, Potty Accidents, Spilled Milk..ETC), Please send in a pair of shorts or pants in your child’s book bag just in case they should need them.
Health Forms- If you have received health forms from us, if you could please return them to the health room
MAP Testing
SJLES will administer the MAP test to all students in 1st through 5th grades in Reading and Math beginning the week of September 19 for 1st graders and the week of October 3 for students in grades 2-5. Makeup testing for students absent during their grade’s administration dates will take place with Ms. Coleman before the MAP window closes on October 20.
MAP is a computer-based assessment. Our students will use school-based Chromebooks. The HCPSS website contains detailed information about MAP testing here. If you have questions about MAP testing at SJLES, please contact Erin Coleman at
Make-Up Work for COVID and/or Absence Due to Illness
A student may make up work and receive a recorded grade for work missed due to a lawful absence such as illness due to COVID. Students returning from lawful absences will have the number of days equal to the number of days lawfully absent to complete the make-up work (i.e., work assigned on a day of a lawful absence will add one school day to the due date).
Do you love books? Do you enjoy keeping things in good order?
The SJLES media center could use a few adult volunteers to help shelve books. Even an hour or two is a big help to us. All volunteers must complete HCPSS volunteer training. Aside from that, we can teach you how to shelve books or complete any other library tasks. THANK YOU for considering this valuable service! Questions? Contact Maggie Fischer ( or Esther Jean-Louis
PTA Spirit Wear Sale
Our PTA is selling fantastic Spirit Wear! Check out the online store right here:
Let’s show off our Jaguar Pride at school and in our community!
HCPSS Schools Closed on Monday 9/27
Please mark your calendars. Students will return to school on Tuesday, September 27th.
Arrival & Dismissal Reminders
Please help keep our arrival and dismissal safe, always prioritize safety over efficiency, and allow us to be good neighbors to our families living on Southview Road.
We understand busy school car loops are not a preferred destination, however the car loop allows for the most predictable traffic patterns for our students commuting to and from school.
We encourage our families who are eligible for HCPSS bus transportation to utilize this service to minimize daily car loop volume.
Click here to access/subscribe to the updated HCPSS Calendar
Click here to access the HCPSS Related Arts Color Day Schedule
9/16 - Spirit Day: Grab your jersey, t-shirt, medal, or trophy to show us your favorite sport!
9/23 - Spirit Day: Dress up as your favorite superhero to celebrate our super first month of school at SJLES!
9/26 - All HCPSS Schools Closed
9/30 - Spirit Day: Celebrate our SJLES Pride & wear your Spirit Wear or school colors
10/5 - HCPSS Schools & Offices are Closed
10/7 Spirit Day - Rainbow Day: How many colors can you wear in one outfit? The contest is on. Wear as many colors as you can today!
10/11 - Flu Clinic
10/14 Spirit Day - Mismatch Day - Stripes, polka dots, plaid...throw them all together for an awesome outfit!
10/21 - Professional Learning Day - HCPSS Schools Closed for Students
10/28 Spirit Day - Celebrate our SJLES Pride and wear your Spirit Wear or school colors
10/29 @ 3:00 - PTA Trunk or Treat
10/30 @ 3:00 - PTA Trunk or Treat RAIN DATE
SJLES Back to School Resources
HCPSS Back to School Resources
HCPSS News & Important Text Alerts
HCPSS News email and text alerts keep families up-to-date on news and events, and deliver real-time notices of emergency closings and information. In addition to emergency notifications, during the school year HCPSS sends a weekly message to families with timely information. All HCPSS News subscriptions are generated from the information provided in Family File and have been automatically updated for the 2022-2023 school year. Parents/guardians new to the system are automatically enrolled for email notification.
Please note that anyone who has not done so must opt in to text alerts. SJLES will utilize text alerts for important information and reminders including late buses, emergency closings, important events, etc.
Personal Technology Devices
At HCPSS elementary schools, we ask that if your child brings a Personal Technology Device such as a cell phone or smart watch to school that the device remains off and stored in a backpack throughout the school day, unless otherwise authorized by school administrators or instructional staff.For additional information please visit Board of Education Policy 8080 Responsible Use of Technology, Digital Tools, and Social Media, and specifically Standard E. Student Use-Technology.
Free and Reduced-Price Meal Program
As HCPSS recently shared, the federal government has NOT extended waivers allowing free meals for all students. As a result, students whose families do not qualify for free or reduced lunch will be required to pay the daily meal price for the 2022-2023 school year. In addition, all qualifying families must apply for our FARM's program as soon as possible in order to receive free or reduced meals for the 22-23 school year.
2022-2023 Daily Meal Prices: Student Breakfast - $2.00 / Student Lunch - $2.80
FARMS Online Application Link:
Please visit our SJLES Website for additional information.
Please click here to visit the Community News and Programs page for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.