SJLES Update 10/20/22


Schools Are Closed Friday & Monday! 

  • 10/21 - Professional Learning Day - HCPSS Schools Closed for Students

  • 10/24 -  Professional Work Day - HCPSS Schools Closed for Students

The Kids Helping Kids Food Drive Starts Next Week

SJLES is once again participating in the Kids Helping Kids Food Drive to benefit the Maryland Food Bank. All of our donations will go directly to people in need right here in Howard County. 

From Tuesday, 10/25 thru Monday, 11/7 students are invited to bring in nonperishable food items to donate. Items such as Boxed cereals, pastas and crackers, jars of jelly and juice, cans of fruit, vegetables and soups can all be donated among other things. Students will place the items in their classrooms, where they will be collected and counted by 5th grade volunteers. The CLASS in each grade with the highest amount donated will win the GOLDEN TURKEY AWARD. The TOP Class in the entire school will win EXTRA RECESS!

Thank you for working with us to build a sense of philanthropy in our students, while supporting our local community.

HCPSS Attendance Overview 

Research is clear that showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic and social success starting from kindergarten and continuing through high school.  Absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with school or even facing social challenges.

  • Missing 10% (or about 18 days of a school year) can drastically affect a student’s academic success.

  • By the 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that can indicate if a student is at risk for dropping out of high school.

  • In the 9th grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.

Student attendance is a major point of focus for the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Starting in school year 2022 -2023, MSDE lowered the chronic absenteeism rate from 20% to 10% which means that at 10% a student should be receiving support and interventions to improve their absenteeism.

Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) believes that attendance is key for student success. Per Policy 9010, HCPSS defines exemplary attendance as a final attendance rate of 96% or more of the student year.

In support of achieving Exemplary Attendance for all students, we are sharing with you a comprehensive approach for attendance supports and interventions. 

  • If a student has missed 5% of their monthly attendance days (as few as 1-2 days a month), parents will receive a Care and Concern Phone Call and letter from their school. This step will allow staff members to coordinate with families to determine how the student can be supported for better attendance.

  • If a student has missed 10% of their monthly attendance days (this is defined as chronic absenteeism by MSDE), parents will receive a 10% Chronic Absenteeism Attendance Letter.  Parents and students may be scheduled for an attendance conference.  Other interventions and supports may also be used in an effort to assist the student.

  • If a student has missed 15% of their monthly attendance days, in addition to the interventions and supports at 5% and 10%, these students may require an attendance support plan. Students may also be referred to the Central Attendance Team.

  • If a student has missed 20% of their monthly attendance days, parents will receive a 20% Emergency Chronic Absenteeism Letter or Habitual Truancy Letter.  Students may be referred to Project Attend and may be referred to the State’s Attorney’s Office for habitual truancy.

With the collaborative effort of HCPSS parents, staff and students, we are confident that all students can have successful attendance.  This will improve student success in school and in future life.

Bus Evacuation - Wed. 10/19

Each school year, the Code of Maryland Regulations requires that schools perform bus evacuation drills.

Yesterday, all bus riders participated in a bus evacuation drill.  Bus drivers initiated and conducted the bus evacuation drill with the assistance of school staff members who were present to support students during the drill. The purpose of this drill was to review the procedures for exiting the bus safely, in case of an emergency, and to have students practice exiting the bus through the rear door.

Drills are an important way to have students practice what they might have to do in an emergency.  As always, student safety is our priority.  All students did a fantastic job following directions in a safe and efficient manner. We provide this information to the community so that parents can follow up with their child about emergency evacuation procedures at home and school.

Navigating Your Child’s Mental Health Journey 

Whether it is knowing the best ways to support your child’s social emotional health, having concerns about your child’s behaviors, or feeling like something is seriously wrong, knowing where to go for answers is a top issue for parents. Those first steps of navigating mental health supports are a challenging and daunting task. Come to this presentation to learn about the stages of mental health and local resources and supports that will guide your understanding, provide you with choices, and help you learn the steps to start helping your child even in the early years. You will leave with tangible tools for education and intervention as well as where to go for assistance if you hit roadblocks to services.

  • Presenters Candace Ball from Howard County Local Children’s Board & Kala Jenkins, Howard County Health Department

  • Thursday, October 20 , 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Click here for registration to virtual workshop


  • Click here to access/subscribe to our SJLES Public Calendar 

  • Click here to access/subscribe to the updated HCPSS Calendar

  • Click here to access the HCPSS Related Arts Color Day Schedule

  • 10/21 - Professional Learning Day - HCPSS Schools Closed for Students

  • 10/24 -  Professional Work Day - HCPSS Schools Closed for Students

  • 10/27  - MHHS Orchestra performs for Intermediate Grades

  • 10/28 - Celebrate our SJLES Pride and wear your Spirit Wear or school colors 

  • 10/28 - Cultural Arts Assemblies: HCC Miss Electricity

  • 10/29 @ 3:00 - PTA Trunk or Treat

  • 10/30 @ 3:00 - PTA Trunk or Treat RAIN DATE

  • 10/31 - 11/4 - PBIS Quarterly Celebrations & Jaguar Huddles

  • 11/1 - Deadline for Original Works orders to come back to school 

  • 11/2 - End of 1st Marking Period

  • 11/2 -  Schools Close 3 Hours Early / SJLES Dismisses at 12:20

  • 11/4 - When I Grow Up Day: Dress up as an occupation you would like to be when you grow up

  • 11/6 - Daylight Saving Time ends

  • 11/8 - Election Day / HCPSS Schools & Offices Closed

  • 11/9  @ 8:00 PM - Virtual PTA Meeting

  • 11/11 - Students can bring in a stuffed animal that fits in your backpack

  • 11/13 @ 10:00  - PTA Turkey Trot at Mount Hebron HS

  • 11/14 - 11/18 - American Education Week

  • 11/18 - Celebrate our SJLES Pride and wear your Spirit Wear or school colors

  • 11/21 - Parent Teacher Conferences / Schools Close 3 Hours Early

  • 11/22 - Parent Teacher Conferences / Schools Close 3 Hours Early

  • 11/23  - Parent Teacher Conferences / Schools Closed for Students

  • 11/24 & 11/25 - HCPSS Schools & Offices Closed


You’re Invited to the 1st SJLES PTA Trunk-or-Treat!

SJLES PTA announces our FREE Trunk-or-Treat coming up on Saturday, October 29! Come in costume if you’d like, and enjoy festively decorated cars and lots of treats! This event is FREE but your RSVP is requested to help us prepare. Flyers will be coming home soon. Here’s how you can get involved…

  • Wanted: Your Trunk! Click the link to enter the trunk decorating contest. Space is limited to 25 cars, and registration closes on 10/22. Popular vote will determine the top 3 winners. Each will receive a $25 gift card to Glory Days! Contest rules available here.

  • Candy needed! Check out the Amazon wish list to donate a bag of treats! Candy and allergy-safe options are both included. When checking out, be sure to select the registry for Vanessa Zawodny. Your donation will be sent directly to SJLES PTA.

  • Please RSVP here! Not required, but it will help us plan for your ghosts and goblins. Suggested RSVP by 10/25.

Young Authors' Contest 2022-2023

The YAC for 2022-23 is underway. All students grades 1-5 may submit 1 poem and/or story.  All information and cover sheets for submissions will be posted on the grade level Canvas page once teachers have shared the information with students. All entries are due to Mrs. Taylor, by Dec. 2, 2022. Entries must be in 12 point Times Roman font and saved as a WORD document.  No names should be on the poem or story, only on the cover sheet. No late entries will be accepted.

Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School Poster Contest!

You’re invited to participate in the annual MLK Elementary School Poster Contest. This year’s theme is “Promoting Peace: Within Yourself, Your Community and the World.” Although Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. left us too soon, his powerful legacy and universal message of peace lives on today. See the image below for information on contest participation requirements. All poster submissions are due by October 31, 2022. Please let Natalie Blake know if you have any questions!


Please click here to visit the Community News and Programs page for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.