SJLES Update 4/14/23

Greetings SJLES Families,

We hope every SJLES Jaguar and family member had a great Spring Break! Our Jaguars came back to school after the time off looking happy and ready to learn. It has been a great week here at The Lane filled with reconnecting, learning, MCAP testing, gardening, Jaguar Huddles, new asphalt and stencils on the recess playground, and simply awesome weather to enjoy recess and outdoor lunch.


Last week, while we were on Spring Break, was National Assistant Principal's Week. Families, please feel free to send our OUTSTANDING assistant principal, Ms. Coleman, some appreciation via a brief email at I am so thankful for Ms. Coleman. Her passion for the work; the way she engages with our students, staff, and families; her positive outlook, our partnership, and the wonderful service she provides our school community is second to none. A very most sincere thank you, Ms. Coleman! 


The week of April 16–22, 2023 has been designated as Partnerships in Education and Volunteers Week. On behalf of our entire staff, we would like to express our appreciation to our olunteers and partners for the outstanding contributions of their time and talent. We are better because of you. Thank you volunteers and partners!

Have a great weekend SJLES!



Dan Notari

SJLES Principal


Parent Input Form For Students Attending SJLES Next Year   

As part of our planning and preparation for 2023-2024, we would like to provide the opportunity to share insights you would like us to consider as we begin the articulation process. This input form is for you, as parents, to relate specific information about your child that you feel would be useful as our staff collaborates to create next year's classes. Our goal of this process is to build heterogeneous classes which foster the academic success and social-emotional well-being of each student in an inclusive and nurturing environment that closes opportunity gaps. Please consider completing our SJLES Parent Input Form 2023-2024 by Friday, 5/26 to provide us with useful insights regarding your Jaguar(s).

Report Cards Accessible Tuesday After 4:00 

Third quarter report cards will be available in HCPSS Connect Synergy after 4:00 PM on Tuesday, 4/18. Click here for directions on how to access report cards.

SJLES Recognized with CS100 Awards

SJLES was recently recognized by CSisElementary and CSforAll as part of the  inaugural group of 160 schools receiving CS100 Awards. CS100 Awards recognize elementary schools that commit to teaching at least ten hours per year of computer science (CS) to every K-5 student. The Awards were announced March 30th at CSK5, The National Summit for K-5 Computer Science Education. 

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Register by 6/1/23 for 2023-2024 Bus Service

Families whose students are eligible for HCPSS-provided transportation are required to register by 6/1/23 to receive bus service for the coming 2023-2024 school year. Families who reside in non-transportation areas and those who have students who receive transportation as part of their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan do not need to take any action.

Keeping Arrival & Dismissal Safe for Our Kids, Staff, & Community

We understand busy school car loops are not a preferred destination, however the car loop allows for the most predictable traffic patterns for our students commuting to and from school.  

We are reminding our families to not park on Southview Rd. during arrival or dismissal. We have noticed that the numerous cars parked along Southview Rd. are creating blindspots for our walker students on that street. These cars also force students and families to walk in the middle of the road which is already narrowed due to the numerous cars on each side. Our neighbors along Southview Rd. and other neighboring streets are having their front lawns torn up with tire marks and occasionally having their driveways blocked.

If you are choosing to drive to school and walk your student(s) to and from the schoolhouse doors please park in our upper parking lot (northern end of grounds closest to Mt. Hebron HS) and use the walker door at the rear of our school near our relocatable classrooms to enter and exit the building. For additional HCPSS safety tips please click here and please reach out to me or Ms. Coleman with any questions or concerns. Your cooperation is very much appreciated!

Spring Outdoor Lunch Option

The warm weather is here and many students are excited to eat outside! If you completed a request for DAILY outdoor lunch for your child in the fall, they are still on the list. New requests can be made using this form. This request process allows us to adequately staff the outdoor lunch area.Please allow a few days between submitting the form before we have your child on the daily outdoor list. Even if your child is on the daily outdoor list, they may always choose to stay indoors at any time as well. 

Our Turn To Talk

Join us at Centennial High School on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 6:00-8:00 pm for a viewing and panel discussion of Our Turn To Talk, a film that features teens sharing the impact of social media, sexual identity, gender identity, racism, and the pandemic on their mental health. The film is sponsored by National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Howard County, the Howard County Public School System, Horizon Foundation, One Voice, Active Minds, and the Howard County Health Department. Families and staff may access the trailer and registration  form for more information. The event will feature the following panelists:

  • Jennifer Marshall (Executive Producer, Principle Pictures)

  • Peace Williams (WLHS student, Active Minds member)

  • Stephanie Reid (Youth and Family Support Services, Howard County Health Department)

  • Ivan Croft (Instructional Facilitator for Psychological Services, Howard County Public School System)

  • Oliver Song (President, Howard County Association of Student Councils)


  • 4/11 - 4/14 - Grade 5 ELA MCAP

  • 4/14 - Disney Day: Celebrate all the magic at SJLES by dressing up as your favorite Disney character or wearing your favorite Disney apparel

  • 4/14 @ 6:00 - PTA Outdoor Bingo Night

  • 4/17 - 4/18 - Grade 5 Math MCAP

  • 4/18 - Report Cards Issued

  • 4/18 - 4/19 - Grade 3 Math MCAP

  • 4/20 - PTA Cultural Arts: Taikoza Japanese Drummers 

  • 4/21 - HCPSS Schools Closed for Students: Professional Work Day

  • 4/24 - 4/27 - Grade 3 ELA MCAP

  • 4/24 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Chesapeake Arts Center

  • 4/25 - 4/26 - Grade 4 Math MCAP

  • 5/1 - 5/4 - Grade 4 ELA MCAP

  • 5/3 - Walk/Bike to School Day

  • 5/5 - IEES Window Closes

  • 5/5 - Wacky Sock & Hair Day: Wear your funniest or most mismatched socks to school along with your wackiest hairdo!

  • 5/5 - Illustrator Visit 

  • 5/6 - May Day

  • 5/8 - 5/12 - Staff Appreciation Week

  • 5/9 @ 7:00 - Band Spring Concert

  • 5/10 - 5th Grade Panoramic Photo

  • 5/10 @ 8:00 PM - PTA Zoom Meeting

  • 5/12 - Maryland Day: wear Maryland shirts or colors (red, white, black, yellow)

  • 5/12 - Second Grade Field Trip to MD Zoo 

  • 5/15 - 5/18 - Maryland Mobile Science Lab Visits SJLES 

  • 5/16 @ 5:15 - 8:15 - Night of the Arts

    • 6:00 - 3rd grade Orchestra Spring Concert

    • 7:15 - 4th & 5th grade Orchestra Spring Concert 

  • 5/18 - Kindergarten Field Trip to MD Zoo

  • 5/19 - Schools Closed for Students: Professional Learning/Articulation

  • 5/23 @ 6:00 - Chorus Concert

  • 5/24 @ 4:00 - Incoming Kindergarten Sneak A Peek

  • 5/25 - Gr 5 Simulated Congressional Hearings

  • 5/26 - Field Day - Wear Your Field Day Shirt!

  • 5/26 - 2023-2024 Parent Input Form Due

  • 5/29 - Schools & Offices Closed

  • 6/1 @ 10:00 - 5th Gr. Middle School Visit

  • 6/1 @ 11:00 - 5th Grade Program Howard County Conservancy

  • 6/2 - Field Day Rain Date 

  • 6/6 - HoCo Library Visit 

  • 6/7 - 5th Grade Picnic 

  • 6/7 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early : SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20

  • 6/9 - Summer Lovin' Day: Take 2! Let's say ALOHA to summer in style! Grab your sunglasses, Hawaiian shirt, lei or shirt from your favorite vacation and let's say HELLO to summer in style!

  • 6/12 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early: SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20

  • 6/13 - Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony (Tentatively Scheduled for 9:30-11:00)

  • 6/13 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early: SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20

  • 6/14 - Last Scheduled Student Day: Schools Close 3 Hours Early - SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20


SJLES Indicators of Educational Equity Survey Update

  • 47 Completed Surveys Thus Far - Thank You! 

  • 66 Completed Surveys in 2022-2023 

  • Goal: 100% of our SJLES Families 

As part of our school improvement process, we are asking families to provide input about their equity priorities at our school. Our families’ insights shared in this survey will help shape our School Improvement Plan for the 2022-2023 school year. 

Please use the links below to complete the HCPSS Indicators of Educational Equity Survey by May 5, 2023. We will use your input, along with other school data, to refine our school improvement plan for next year. 

This survey is anonymous and available in multiple languages. If you have children at more than one school, please complete one survey per school. For additional information please visit

Fifth Grade End of Year Dates 

We are excited to share with you a number of activities coming up to end the year, celebrate our 5th graders, and begin to prepare them for middle school. More information and details will be shared about all of these activities closer to the dates.

  • Ongoing- Lessons about middle school with our school counselor, Mrs. Poirier.

  • May 25th: Simulated Congressional Hearing (SCH) will be in-person here at SJLES. Judges and parents will be attending in person to watch students participate in SCH. This is the culminating performance assessment for 5th grade social studies. More information will be sent closer to the event. 

  • June 1st: Field trip to Patapsco and Dunloggin Middle Schools. Please watch for permission slips to be sent home closer to the date.

  • June 7th:  5th Grade Picnic in the morning. Watch for more information to come!

  • June 13th: Promotion at SJLES. Parents and family members are encouraged to join us for our morning promotion celebration. Please hold 9:30-11:00 a.m. After the ceremony students and families can enjoy an informal gathering out at the amphitheater.

  • June 14th: Last day of school and clap out for 5th graders. Due to space, this is a SJLES staff and student only event. 

Please note that June 7th & the 12th -14th are three hour early dismissals. Please continue to check Canvas announcements regularly for additional end of year information! We are excited to celebrate this outstanding group of 5th graders this Spring! 

2023-2024 Non-transportation Area Changes

Non-transportation areas (walk areas) have been expanded for the majority of HCPSS schools for the 2023-2024 school year. Board of Education Policy 5200 Student Transportation increases the allowable distance students may walk to school based on the distance between a student’s home and school. 

These changes result in an expanded walk area for our school. Please view this online map for our school that identifies the households that will not receive bus transportation next school year.  The following streets will now be included in the SJLES non-transported area for the 2023-2024 school year…

  • Joey Drive – from Hearthstone Road to North Chatham Road

  • Paulskirk Drive

  • Ramblewood Road

  • Old Fence Road

  • Hearthstone Road – north of Joey Drive

  • Brookmede Road – north of Joey Drive

  • Greenway Drive – north of Joey Drive

  • Hayfield Drive

  • Michaels Way – east of Joey Drive

We will send out information if changes are made that impact our school community. If you would like to know more about the countywide changes that were made, please visit the HCPSS website.

2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration & May 24th Sneak A Peek!

HCPSS Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open! Parents/guardians of children who will be five on or before September 1, 2023, must enroll their children in kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year.  Please help spread the word!

We hope to see many of our new SJLES kindergarteners and families at our Kindergarten Sneak A Peek on 5/24/23 at 4:00. Please spread the word and complete this RSVP form if you plan to attend. 

Spring MCAP Testing

This spring, students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will take the Spring MCAP assessment. The Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) is the overarching term used for all state assessments.

The ELA portion of the MCAP is administered in four 70-minute sessions. The Math portion is administered in four 40-minute sessions. We will provide corded headphones to all students, but if your child has their own set that they prefer, they are welcome to bring them to school for testing.  Please contact Erin Coleman with any questions about MCAP at SJLES will administer the MCAP on the following dates for each grade level:

3rd Grade:

  • ELA: 4/24, 4/25, 4/26, 4/27

  • Math: 4/18 (two sessions), 4/19 (two sessions)

4th Grade:

  • ELA: 5/1, 5/2, 5/3, 5/4

  • Math: 4/25 (two sessions), 4/26 (two sessions)

5th Grade:

  • ELA: 4/11, 4/12, 4/13, 4/14

  • Math: 4/17 (two sessions), 4/18 (two sessions)

Make-Up testing will be held on 5/22-5/24.


In alignment with Howard County Board of Education, the following announcements have been approved by the Public Information Office for distribution. To view upcoming events click: