SJLES Update 4/20/23


No School for Students TOMORROW! 

All HCPSS Schools are closed TOMORROW, Friday, 4/21/23, for a Countywide Professional Learning Day.


SJLES Field Day 2023

Get ready for another fun-filled Field Day at SJLES!  Field Day will take place on Friday May 26th for students in all grades. If needed, the rain date will be on Friday June 2nd.  The time for Field Day will be 9:15 am-3:00 pm.  


Many parent volunteers are needed to make Field Day a fun experience for everyone.  Enthusiasm is the only expertise needed to manage the activities.  Parent volunteers and staff members will run the stations. Classroom teachers will accompany classes and supervise the children. If you can contribute your time and energy for Field Day, please visit this link for sign-up genius by Thursday, May 18th. Volunteer slots are available as full day (9:15 - 3:00), half day morning (9:15 - 11:45), and half day afternoon (12:30 - 3:00) but volunteers can sign up for any block of time they are available. We need many volunteers to make our Field Day a success! When you volunteer, information will be sent home with your child the week of Field Day with your assignments and station directions. 

As with all HCPSS volunteers, Field Day volunteers must adhere to HCPSS guidelines regarding vaccine requirements. Please complete the following steps by Thursday, May 18th to volunteer for Field Day:

  1. Verify your vaccine status using this website

  2. Complete the short volunteer confidentiality training and then fill out the form and bring it to school.

    1. volunteer-confidentiality-training.pdf 

    2. volunteer-confidentiality-certificate.pdf 

  3.  Complete this short child abuse training and complete the certificate linked and bring to school.

    1. childabuse_ppt.pdf 

    2. abuse_certificate.pdf 

Thank you for your continued support of the SJLES Physical Education program and department.  An all-day Field Day is a major event and can only happen if we all work together for the students.  Our PE team of Ms. Carty, Mr. Frantz, & Ms. Orgera welcome our parents who want to volunteer to make this day a great one for everyone!


Q3 Report Cards are Accessible  

Third quarter report cards are posted in HCPSS Connect Synergy. Click here for directions to access your child’s report card.


HCPSS Elementary Solo and Ensemble Festival 

On Saturday April 15th, we had just over 70 SJLES music students perform in the HCPSS Elementary Solo and Ensemble Festival at Long Reach HS. These students worked hard to prepare music outside of school and did a great job performing in the festival. Congratulations to the following band, orchestra, and chorus students!


3rd Grade: Kayden K., Garrett M., Nathan J., Luke B., Zoey M., Shivani P., Srihitha V., Jaime J., Drisana P., June B., Dominique H., Mabel E., Max G., Blake R., Kora B., Samantha R., Elodie A., Haadiya B., Lily H., Ellie X., Thanvi B., Jhanvi C., Avery H., Carsyn O., Sophia F., Anika R., Ira T., Lexi R., Drew D., Londyn M., Daisy O., Arielle M


4th Grade: Nandita M., Suzanne S., Subeen O., Grace M., Davey G., Henry H., Andrew B., George K., Bryan T., Diego L., Fiona P., Nadia E., Yolanda A., Damian H., Suvan B., Aditi D., Joshua K., Nate P., Hailey H., Srithosini V., Harika D., Molly K., Kaavya J., Sky B., Kali S.


5th Grade: Sophia B., Tarun M., Adhvaita C., Joram S., Rogan K., Emmett V., Emma D., Maya W., Calista K., Nethra P., Aahna D., Bryn M., Deekshita I., Safa I., Ethan A., Tessa W.

Attention 5th Grade Families: MSDE School Climate Survey

State law requires that all public schools in Maryland survey students about school climate. The purpose of the survey is to gain valuable information about the quality and character of each school’s learning environment so that schools can promote a climate that supports student learning.


5th graders will take the Maryland School Survey during regular school hours next week. The survey will ask students about topics such as student engagement, interactions with adults and with other students in the school, the school environment, bullying, and safety. The survey will not ask about a student’s personal experiences, and students will not be asked to provide any information that might violate their privacy.  


The survey is confidential and school personnel will not have access to the responses of specific students. The responses your child provides will be combined with the responses from other students in the school, and results will be reported for each school and district. 


We are eager to receive this very important information about your student’s school and about schools across the state. If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Ms. Coleman at


Important Reminder: Register by June 1 for 2023-2024 Bus Service

Families whose students are eligible for HCPSS-provided transportation are required to register by June 1 to receive bus service for the coming 2023-2024 school year. Families who reside in non-transportation areas and those who have students who receive transportation as part of their IEP or 504 Plan do not need to take any action.


  • 4/20 - PTA Cultural Arts: Taikoza Japanese Drummers 

  • 4/21 - HCPSS Schools Closed for Students: Professional Work Day

  • 4/24 - 4/27 - Grade 3 ELA MCAP

  • 4/24 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Chesapeake Arts Center

  • 4/25 - 4/26 - Grade 4 Math MCAP

  • 5/1 - 5/4 - Grade 4 ELA MCAP

  • 5/3 - Walk/Bike to School Day

  • 5/5 - IEES Window Closes

  • 5/5 - Wacky Sock & Hair Day: Wear your funniest or most mismatched socks to school along with your wackiest hairdo!

  • 5/5 - Illustrator Visit 

  • 5/6 - May Day

  • 5/8 - 5/12 - Staff Appreciation Week

  • 5/9 @ 7:00 - Band Spring Concert

  • 5/10 - 5th Grade Panoramic Photo

  • 5/10 @ 8:00 PM - PTA Zoom Meeting

  • 5/12 - Maryland Day: wear Maryland shirts or colors (red, white, black, yellow)

  • 5/12 - Second Grade Field Trip to MD Zoo 

  • 5/15 - 5/18 - Maryland Mobile Science Lab Visits SJLES 

  • 5/16 @ 5:15 - 8:15 - Night of the Arts

    • 6:00 - 3rd grade Orchestra Spring Concert

    • 7:15 - 4th & 5th grade Orchestra Spring Concert 

  • 5/18 - Kindergarten Field Trip to MD Zoo

  • 5/19 - Schools Closed for Students: Professional Learning/Articulation

  • 5/23 @ 6:00 - Chorus Concert

  • 5/24 @ 4:00 - Incoming Kindergarten Sneak A Peek

  • 5/25 - Gr 5 Simulated Congressional Hearings

  • 5/26 - Field Day - Wear Your Field Day Shirt!

  • 5/26 - 2023-2024 Parent Input Form Due

  • 5/29 - Schools & Offices Closed

  • 6/1 - 2023-2024 Transportation Registration Closes

  • 6/1 @ 10:00 - 5th Gr. Middle School Visit

  • 6/1 @ 11:00 - 5th Grade Program Howard County Conservancy

  • 6/2 - Field Day Rain Date 

  • 6/6 - HoCo Library Visit 

  • 6/7 - 5th Grade Picnic 

  • 6/7 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early : SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20

  • 6/9 @ 9:30 - Kindergarten Closing Celebration

  • 6/9 - Summer Lovin' Day: Take 2! Let's say ALOHA to summer in style! Grab your sunglasses, Hawaiian shirt, lei or shirt from your favorite vacation and let's say HELLO to summer in style!

  • 6/12 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early: SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20

  • 6/13 - Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony (Tentatively Scheduled for 9:30-11:00)

  • 6/13 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early: SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20

  • 6/14 - Last Scheduled Student Day: Schools Close 3 Hours Early - SJLES Dismissal begins at 12:20


Parent Input Form For Students Attending SJLES Next Year   

As part of our planning and preparation for 2023-2024, we would like to provide the opportunity to share insights you would like us to consider as we begin the articulation process. This input form is for you, as parents, to relate specific information about your child that you feel would be useful as our staff collaborates to create next year's classes. Our goal of this process is to build heterogeneous classes which foster the academic success and social-emotional well-being of each student in an inclusive and nurturing environment that closes opportunity gaps. Please consider completing our SJLES Parent Input Form 2023-2024 by Friday, 5/26 to provide us with useful insights regarding your Jaguar(s).


Keeping Arrival & Dismissal Safe for Our Kids, Staff, & Community

We understand busy school car loops are not a preferred destination, however the car loop allows for the most predictable traffic patterns for our students commuting to and from school.  


We are reminding our families to not park on Southview Rd. during arrival or dismissal. We have noticed that the numerous cars parked along Southview Rd. are creating blindspots for our walker students on that street. These cars also force students and families to walk in the middle of the road which is already narrowed due to the numerous cars on each side. Our neighbors along Southview Rd. and other neighboring streets are having their front lawns torn up with tire marks and occasionally having their driveways blocked.


If you are choosing to drive to school and walk your student(s) to and from the schoolhouse doors please park in our upper parking lot (northern end of grounds closest to Mt. Hebron HS) and use the walker door at the rear of our school near our relocatable classrooms to enter and exit the building. For additional HCPSS safety tips please click here and please reach out to me or Ms. Coleman with any questions or concerns. Your cooperation is very much appreciated!


2023-2024 Kindergarten Registration & May 24th Sneak A Peek!

HCPSS Kindergarten registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open! Parents/guardians of children who will be five on or before September 1, 2023, must enroll their children in kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year.  Please help spread the word!


We hope to see many of our new SJLES kindergarteners and families at our Kindergarten Sneak A Peek on 5/24/23 at 4:00. Please spread the word and complete this RSVP form if you plan to attend. 


Spring Outdoor Lunch Option

The warm weather is here and many students are excited to eat outside! If you completed a request for DAILY outdoor lunch for your child in the fall, they are still on the list. New requests can be made using this form. This request process allows us to adequately staff the outdoor lunch area.Please allow a few days between submitting the form before we have your child on the daily outdoor list. Even if your child is on the daily outdoor list, they may always choose to stay indoors at any time as well. 


SJLES Indicators of Educational Equity Survey Update

  • 48 Completed Surveys Thus Far - Thank You! 

  • 66 Completed Surveys in 2022-2023 

  • Goal: 100% of our SJLES Families 

As part of our school improvement process, we are asking families to provide input about their equity priorities at our school. Our families’ insights shared in this survey will help shape our School Improvement Plan for the 2022-2023 school year. 

Please use the links below to complete the HCPSS Indicators of Educational Equity Survey by May 5, 2023. We will use your input, along with other school data, to refine our school improvement plan for next year. 

This survey is anonymous and available in multiple languages. If you have children at more than one school, please complete one survey per school. For additional information please visit


In alignment with Howard County Board of Education, the following announcements have been approved by the Public Information Office for distribution. To view upcoming events click: