SJLES field Day 2024

Dear SJLES Families,


Get ready for another fun-filled Field Day at SJLES!  Field Day will take place on Thursday May 23rd for students in all grades. If needed, the rain date will be on Friday May 31st.  The time for Field Day will be 9:40 am - 3:40 pm


Many parent volunteers are needed to make Field Day a fun experience for everyone.  Enthusiasm is the only expertise needed to manage the activities.  Parent volunteers and staff members will run the stations. Classroom teachers will accompany classes and supervise the children. If you can contribute your time and energy for Field Day, please visit this link for sign-up genius by Thursday, May 16th. Volunteer slots are available as full day (9:40-3:40), half day morning (9:40 - 12:10), and half day afternoon (1:10-3:40) but volunteers can sign up for any block of time they are available. We need many volunteers to make our Field Day a success! When you volunteer, information will be sent home with your child the week of Field Day with your assignments and station directions. 


All volunteers must complete the following confidentiality and child abuse trainings. Please complete the following steps by Thursday, May 18th to volunteer for Field Day:

  1. Complete the short volunteer confidentiality training and then fill out the form and bring it to school.

    1. volunteer-confidentiality-training.pdf 

    2. Volunteer confidentiality form

  2.  Complete this short child abuse training and complete the certificate linked and bring to school.

    1. childabuse_ppt.pdf 

    2. abuse_certificate.pdf 

Thank you for your continued support of the SJLES Physical Education program and department.  Field Day is a major event and can only happen if we all work together for the students.  We welcome anyone who wants to volunteer to make this day a good time for everyone.  Thank you so much!




Ms. Carty, Mr. Frantz, & Ms. Orgera


Tuesday, April 23, 2024 (All day)