Children's Mental Health Matters Workshops

Below is a list of Howard County Office of Children and Families workshops and resources for families for Children's Mental Health Matters month.

Upcoming Workshops from Office of Children and Families

* For assistance with registering, call 410-313-5992 (voice/ relay) or email 

* To request sign language, interpreter or other accommodations to attend, call at least one week in advance.  


May 2024 Parent Pages Newsletter here  (goes live May 1)


Discussing Your Child’s Mental Health with Your Primary Care Provider with Dr. Jessica Winkles
We discuss the importance of mental health for everyone, yet rarely do we treat behavioral health like physical health. If your child is ill, you contact your primary care provider (PCP) for a sick visit. But what if you notice ongoing changes in your child’s emotional well-being or behaviors? All children can go through periods of anger, anxiety, frustration, and sadness but what is a concerning level? Attend this session to

•See examples of typical vs. concerning behaviors and understand why the PCP can be a great place to start when questions arise
•Become familiar with some of the most common behavior concerns seen by pediatric PCPs
•Understand what may happen after raising a concern with a PCP, including what to expect if you see a behavioral health provider
•Become aware of methods for making the most of your visit to your child's PCP
Wednesday, May 1, 7:00 p.m. Free Virtual Workshop. Register here


Positive Solutions for Families   
Join the Howard County Office of Children and Families for this evidenced-based, virtual parent series to help increase knowledge and understanding of how to promote children’s social and emotional skills, address challenging behaviors and use positive approaches to help children manage big emotions. In this four session lunch-n-learn series, you will receive a weekly workshop video to watch to learn on your own schedule and then meet with a group of parents to extend the learning and share successes and struggles. For families with children up to the age of 8. 
Wednesdays: May 1,8,15,22 | 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. / Click here for registration to virtual workshop series. 


Positive Solutions Cafe  

Parents that attend Positive Solutions sessions meet other parents and discuss lessons learned, ask individual questions and learn more about the PSF information. Parents will receive free resources to support individualizing the implementation of the strategies in their own home. Dinner and child care is available. 

Wednesday, May 22 | 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. / Click here for registration. 


Stories, Explore and Play 

May is Children’s Mental Health awareness month and parents are invited to learn ways to support their youngest child’s social emotional skills. Join us at the Family Support Center for a three-week series for you and your baby, newborn to 2 years. Together you will enjoy stories, songs and activities and learn how to maximize love and minimize stress through The Basics. Conclude with free play and exploration in the child development space. Participants will receive a FREE take-home gift during the series. (for English and Spanish speaking families)  Tuesdays, May 7, 14, 21 | 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. / Register Here 


Una guía para padres sobre  comportamientos desafiantes 

Aprenda cómo ayudar a disminuir la ocurrencia de comportamientos negativos y/o qué hacer cuando ocurren. Asista a esta sesión, haga preguntas y salga con habilidades y recursos que puede utilizar de inmediato para sentirse más seguro en su crianza. Para padres de niños de dos a ocho años.   
Para padres, abuelos y personas involucradas con niños de 2 a 8 años 
Miércoles 8 de Mayo 7:00 p.m. horas Regístrate aqui para recibir el recordatorio de la sesión virtual 


Navigating Your Child’s Mental Health Journey  

Whether it is knowing the best ways to support your child’s social emotional health, having concerns about your child’s behaviors, or feeling like something is seriously wrong, knowing where to go for answers is a top issue for parents. Those first steps of navigating mental health supports are a challenging and daunting task. Learn about the stages of mental health and the local resources and supports that will guide your understanding, provide you with choices, and help you learn the steps to start helping your child. Leave with tangible tools for education and intervention as well as where to go for assistance if you hit roadblocks to services. Monday, May 13, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Free Virtual Workshop. Register here 

Strengthen your Child’s Coping Skills  with Dawn Duignan

Learning how to manage stress and deal with life’s ups and downs is a process that continues throughout our entire lives. Attend this session to learn strategies to help your child prepare, regulate and deal with small to big life transitions, overwhelming and uncomfortable emotions, worries, disappointment, failure, criticism, and sadness. Thursday, May 16, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Free Virtual Workshop. Register Here 

Eat, Learn, Grow - Social Emotional  

This workshop will focus on Early Learning Literacy and Social Emotional Development.  Join us as we explore social emotional development, developmental milestones as well as the skills children need to manage emotions and build relationships with others. Join us as we explore children’s literature and simple extension activities that promote problem solving, conflict resolution, managing stress, and overall social emotional development at home. Monday, May 20, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Free Virtual Workshop. Register here 


Sibling Rivalry  

This workshop is for parents experiencing challenges between their children such as arguing, name calling and fighting.  Understand why sibling rivalry occurs and learn practical ways you can navigate and reduce conflict, manage rivalry in-the-moment and foster good long-term relationships. 

Thursday, May 23, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Free Virtual Workshop. Register here 


Wednesday, May 1, 2024 (All day)